Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#939 closed (fixed)

Acquire and test Brocade switches

Reported by: Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone: KANREN: S4.a Acquire and test 2 or 3 Brocade or HP ProCurve OpenFlow switches
Component: KANREN Version: SPIRAL4
Keywords: Cc:


Ordered in May, Switches only installed with the alpha Brocade software build as of July 5. Per James Sterbenz: Brocade switch in GpENI node cluster at KU existing NetFPGA box in KU GpENU node cluster Brocade switch on KanREN production net Brocade switch in KanREN rack in KC I2 PoP

You should be able to ping all of these now, except for the NetFPGA box that has had it IP address and DNS name reassigned as part of our Openflow deployment, but is not yet back up.

We are currently bringing up the first OESS Openflow controller in the KU GpENI node cluster: If all goes well this will be up and recognising the switches by Monday, but I can't yet guarantee this.

Our PlanetLab PLC is mostly down; K-State no longer wanted to maintain it, so we are temporarily running their physical box at KU, but it is buggy, running out of disk space, and certificates are expiring. After GEC we will bring up a completely new MyPLC for GpENI on one of the KU cluster machines.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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