Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#149 closed (fixed)

milestone 1i completion

Reported by: Owned by: David Irwin
Priority: major Milestone: ViSE: S1.i Testbed available for public use within our cluster
Component: VISE Version: SPIRAL1
Keywords: Cc:


Per 2Q09 QSR on 6/30/09:

We are well-positioned given the preceeding milestones to ”stand up” a functioning testbed by October 1st, 2009. This testbed will allow users to request VMs across the ViSE infrastructure and control their sensors using the Orca/GENI control framework.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by

Component: GPOVISE
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Per 3Q09 status report:

October 1st, 2009. Testbed available for public use within our cluster. Our testbed is available for limited use within our cluster. We are soliciting a select group of users to allow us to work out the bugs/kinks in the testbed and figure out what needs to be improved. The portal for our testbed is available at Note that as we develop our sensor virtualization technology we are initially allowing users to safely access dedicated hardware—the sensors and the wireless NIC. Right now, we are targeting two types of users for our testbed. The first type is users that wish to experiment with longdistance 802.11b wireless communication. Long-distance links are difficult to setup because they require access to towers and other infrastructure to provide line-of-sight. Our two 10km links are thus useful to outside researchers working on these problems. There are a number of students at UMass-Amherst using the testbed to solve problems in this area. The second type of user is radar researchers that can leverage our radar deployment. We are working with students from Puerto Rico and other researchers in CASA to interpret and improve the quality of our radar’s data and test them for detection algorithms. We are soliciting feedback from these users about what they need to do on these nodes, and how the testbed can satisfy their needs. Note that our testbed interacts with a remote Clearinghouse run by RENCI/Duke to facilitate resource allocation.

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