Custom Query (6 matches)


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Status: closed (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Resolution
#28 Unable to create any slivers, all attempts fail with "Could not verify topo" somebody major Experiment SPIRAL4 fixed
#34 lost ssh access while running the two user two experiment scenario IG-EXP-2 somebody major Experiment SPIRAL4 fixed
#49 Capture documentation and the process required to make a custom VM images available in InstaGENI somebody major AM SPIRAL4 fixed
#53 Several slivers have VMs in geni_status "notready" somebody major AM SPIRAL4 fixed
#20 Capture documentation and the process required to make a custom images available in InstaGENI somebody minor Experiment SPIRAL4 fixed

Status: new (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Resolution
#50 sliver manifest does not pass rspeclint somebody major AM SPIRAL4
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.