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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4 somebody fixed Requesting link without specifying capacity results in mapper failure, no bandwidth default available.

Using version?? on 04.30.2012:

This issue was discussed on the InstaGENI maillists, entering ticket to track resolution.

In a scenario where a sliver is created without specifying the "capacity" value, the createsliver results in a mapper error. Following are the RSpec lines that cause the failure:

  <link client_id="insta1-and-insta2">
    <interface_ref client_id="insta1:if1"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="insta2:if1"/>
    <property source_id="insta1:if1" dest_id="insta2:if1"/>
    <property source_id="insta2:if1" dest_id="insta1:if1"/>

The modified "property" lines that resolve the problem:

  <link client_id="insta1-and-insta2">
    <interface_ref client_id="insta1:if1"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="insta2:if1"/>
    <property capacity="1000000" source_id="insta1:if1" dest_id="insta2:if1"/>
    <property capacity="1000000" source_id="insta2:if1" dest_id="insta1:if1"/>

The mapper failure reported when using the "property" without a bandwidth specified, is shown here: expires within 1 day(s) on 2012-04-30 19:38:59 UTC
Asked to reserve resources. No manifest Rspec 
returned. *** ERROR: mapper: Reached run limit. Giving up.
seed = 1335813330
Physical Graph: 4
Calculating shortest paths on switch fabric.
Virtual Graph: 3
Generating physical equivalence classes:3
Type precheck:
Type precheck passed.
Node mapping precheck:
Node mapping precheck succeeded
Pruning pclasses.
pclass pruning complete: removed 2 pclasses, 1 remain.
Type precheck:
Type precheck passed.
Policy precheck:
Policy precheck succeeded
Adjusting dificulty estimate for fixed nodes, 1 remain.
Doing melting run
Reverting: forced
Reverting to best solution
    BEST SCORE:  3.3 in 17000 iters and 0.004363 seconds
With 3 violations
Iters to find best score:  0
Violations: 3
   unassigned:  1
   pnode_load:  0
   no_connect:  2
   link_users:  0
   bandwidth:   0
   desires:     0
   vclass:      0
   delay:       0
   trivial mix: 0
   subnodes:    0
   max_types:   0
   endpoints:   0
insta1 pc1
insta2 pc5
unassigned: tbdelay0
End Nodes
linksdelaysrc/insta1-and-insta2/insta1:0,insta2:0 Mapping Failed
linksdelaydst/insta1-and-insta2/insta2:0,insta1:0 Mapping Failed
End Edges
End solution
Type precheck passed.
Node mapping precheck succeeded
Pruning pclasses.
pclass pruning complete: removed 2 pclasses, 1 remain.
Type precheck passed.
Policy precheck succeeded
Adjusting dificulty estimate for fixed nodes, 1 remain.
Doing melting run
Reverting: forced
Reverting to best solution
    BEST SCORE:  3.3 in 17000 iters and 0.004363 seconds
   unassigned:  1
   pnode_load:  0
   no_connect:  2
   link_users:  0
   bandwidth:   0
   desires:     0
   vclass:      0
   delay:       0
   trivial mix: 0
   subnodes:    0
   max_types:   0
   endpoints:   0
#5 somebody fixed create sliver generates "assign: Invalid Assign Output" error

Using an rspec with the following topology:

  • 3 nodes on lan1
  • 3 nodes on lan2
  • 1 node from lan1 connected via lan3 to 1 node on lan2.

The create sliver fails with the same error on both InstaGENI Utah and PG Utah:

Result Summary: Slice expires within 1 day(s) on 2012-05-02 01:09:36 UTC
Asked to reserve resources. No manifest Rspec returned. 
*** ERROR: assign: Invalid Assign Output (expected "precheck:" line).*** ERROR: mapper: Unretriable error. Giving up.
seed = 1335902156
Physical Graph: 4
Calculating shortest paths on switch fabric.
TOP:9: Auto-assigning bandwidth on trivial or emulated links not allowed!
TOP:10: Auto-assigning bandwidth on trivial or emulated links not allowed!
TOP:11: Auto-assigning bandwidth on trivial or emulated links not allowed!
TOP:12: Auto-assigning bandwidth on trivial or emulated links not allowed!
TOP:13: Auto-assigning bandwidth on trivial or emulated links not allowed!
TOP:14: Auto-assigning bandwidth on trivial or emulated links not allowed!
*** ERROR: assign: Invalid Assign Output (expected "precheck:" line).

Attaching RSpec insta-3vm-3lan-c.rspec used in createsliver.

#6 somebody fixed create sliver for 4 raw-pc node ring topology generates Mapper error

Using an Rspec that has 4 raw-pc type nodes in a ring topology:


The RSpec is attached as 4raw-pc-ring-c.rspec.

Creating a sliver with this topology results in the following error:

  Result Summary: Slice expires within 1 day(s) on 2012-05-02 01:09:36 UTC
Asked to reserve resources. No manifest Rspec returned. *** ERROR: mapper: Reached run limit. Giving up.
seed = 1335910606
Physical Graph: 6
Calculating shortest paths on switch fabric.
Virtual Graph: 8
Generating physical equivalence classes:3
Type precheck:
Type precheck passed.
Node mapping precheck:
Node mapping precheck succeeded
Pruning pclasses.
pclass pruning complete: removed 2 pclasses, 1 remain.
Type precheck:
Type precheck passed.
Policy precheck:
Policy precheck succeeded
Adjusting dificulty estimate for fixed nodes, 4 remain.
Doing melting run
Reverting: forced
Reverting to best solution
   BEST SCORE:  10.1 in 17000 iters and 0.005772 seconds
With 12 violations
Iters to find best score:  0
Violations: 12
  unassigned:  4
  pnode_load:  0
  no_connect:  8
  link_users:  0
  bandwidth:   0
  desires:     0
  vclass:      0
  delay:       0
  trivial mix: 0
  subnodes:    0
  max_types:   0
  endpoints:   0
pc1 pc1
pc2 pc2
pc4 pc4
pc5 pc5
unassigned: tbdelay0
unassigned: tbdelay1
unassigned: tbdelay2
unassigned: tbdelay3
End Nodes
linksdelaysrc/lan0/pc2:0,pc1:0 Mapping Failed
linksdelaydst/lan0/pc1:0,pc2:0 Mapping Failed
linksdelaysrc/lan1/pc4:0,pc2:1 Mapping Failed
linksdelaydst/lan1/pc2:1,pc4:0 Mapping Failed
linksdelaysrc/lan2/pc4:1,pc5:0 Mapping Failed
linksdelaydst/lan2/pc5:0,pc4:1 Mapping Failed
linksdelaysrc/lan3/pc1:1,pc5:1 Mapping Failed
linksdelaydst/lan3/pc5:1,pc1:1 Mapping Failed
End Edges
End solution
Type precheck passed.
Node mapping precheck succeeded
Pruning pclasses.
pclass pruning complete: removed 2 pclasses, 1 remain.
Type precheck passed.
Policy precheck succeeded
Adjusting dificulty estimate for fixed nodes, 4 remain.
Doing melting run
Reverting: forced
Reverting to best solution
   BEST SCORE:  10.1 in 17000 iters and 0.005772 seconds
  unassigned:  4
  pnode_load:  0
  no_connect:  8
  link_users:  0
  bandwidth:   0
  desires:     0
  vclass:      0
  delay:       0
  trivial mix: 0
  subnodes:    0
  max_types:   0
  endpoints:   0
INFO:omni: ============================================================
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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