

13:37 Ticket #4 (Add logout functionality to the UI) created by Kevin Bohan
Create a logout button and/or link for GMOC UI pages.
13:35 Ticket #3 (Figure out why captchas don't work for GMOC users on Chrome.) created by Kevin Bohan
Two users have reported a problem with logging in to the protected …


22:36 Ticket #2 (add support for a metric which measures the durations of control calls ...) created by chaos@bbn.com
FOAM 0.8.1 records how long flowvisor calls (e.g. listdevices, …
22:28 Ticket #1 (configure a trac instance for GMOC operational monitoring use) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: I created this ticket mostly to test ticket e-mail, which seems to …
22:23 Ticket #1 (configure a trac instance for GMOC operational monitoring use) created by chaos@bbn.com
Create and configure a Trac instance at http://groups.geni.net/gmoc/
21:00 TitleIndex edited by trac
21:00 WikiStart edited by trac
21:00 CamelCase created by trac
21:00 TracInstall created by trac
21:00 TracInterfaceCustomization created by trac
21:00 TracLinks created by trac
21:00 TracModPython created by trac
21:00 TracNotification created by trac
21:00 TracPermissions created by trac
21:00 TracPlugins created by trac
21:00 TracQuery created by trac
21:00 WikiFormatting created by trac
21:00 WikiNewPage created by trac
21:00 WikiProcessors created by trac
21:00 InterMapTxt created by trac
21:00 InterTrac created by trac
21:00 WikiHtml created by trac
21:00 InterWiki created by trac
21:00 RecentChanges created by trac
21:00 SandBox created by trac
21:00 TitleIndex created by trac
21:00 TracAccessibility created by trac
21:00 TracAdmin created by trac
21:00 TracBackup created by trac
21:00 TracBrowser created by trac
21:00 TracCgi created by trac
21:00 TracChangeset created by trac
21:00 TracEnvironment created by trac
21:00 TracFastCgi created by trac
21:00 TracGuide created by trac
21:00 TracImport created by trac
21:00 TracIni created by trac
21:00 TracLogging created by trac
21:00 TracReports created by trac
21:00 TracRevisionLog created by trac
21:00 TracRoadmap created by trac
21:00 TracRss created by trac
21:00 TracSearch created by trac
21:00 TracStandalone created by trac
21:00 TracSupport created by trac
21:00 TracSyntaxColoring created by trac
21:00 TracTickets created by trac
21:00 WikiMacros created by trac
21:00 TracTicketsCustomFields created by trac
21:00 TracTimeline created by trac
21:00 TracUnicode created by trac
21:00 TracUpgrade created by trac
21:00 TracWiki created by trac
21:00 WikiDeletePage created by trac
21:00 WikiPageNames created by trac
21:00 WikiRestructuredText created by trac
21:00 WikiRestructuredTextLinks created by trac
21:00 WikiStart created by trac
21:00 Changeset [1358] by root
Initial import
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.