Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#20 integrate the GlobalNOC Atlas2 software into the GMOC UI new somebody critical WebUI
#8 document up-to-date gmoc-db schema and supported metrics in a permanent place new somebody major Infrastructure
#9 make GMOC UI answer with a URL new somebody major WebUI
#10 users that aren't a member of an organization get an error in the Organizations section new somebody major WebUI
#13 too many datapath measurements for slivers and resources new somebody major WebUI
#16 design a common object model assigned Kevin Bohan major Clients
#17 make sure the GMOC database schema and the new object model are logically consistent new somebody major Clients
#22 GMOC DB Feature Request: Assign/Change Roles in the UI new somebody major WebUI
#23 GMOC DB Feature Request: 3rd Contact field with multiple types new somebody major Database
#11 only show the Organizations section when the user has one new somebody minor WebUI
#12 add a Slices tab to the Slice Authority section new somebody minor GEC15 demo WebUI
#21 normalize URLs to be consistent across multiple AuthN schemes new somebody minor WebUI
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.