Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#34 Consider using python docstring functionality to replace pdf doc new somebody major Clients
#76 Include GMOC client version in XML new somebody major Clients
#111 Can't modify Aggregate type using client new major Infrastructure
#119 Consider how strict to be in verifying URNs new somebody major Clients
#125 Allow some parts of the UI to be accessible without a password new somebody major WebUI
#146 Relationship between aggregates and resources breaks if name of aggregate changes new major Clients
#161 Allow the ability to define slivers without defining the whole aggregate new somebody major Infrastructure
#170 Make the "Last Contacted" time on actually be the last time the node was updated new major GPO GEC17 priorities WebUI
#173 sliver counts inconsistent between Slice summary page and Slice details page new somebody major WebUI
#74 Organization's toXML() should print url new somebody minor Clients
#78 Resource's type should be from a list of enumerated types new somebody minor Clients
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.