Custom Query (121 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#35 somebody fixed `POP` is missing `sliceAuthorities` attribute

I tried to write a __str__() for POP and I can't test for existence of self.sliceAuthorities.

I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 30, in <module>
   print myPop
 File "/home/sedwards/gmoc_client/120829/", line 376, in __str__
   if self.sliceAuthorities:
 File "/home/sedwards/gmoc_client/120829/", line 317, in sliceAuthorities
   return self.__sas
AttributeError: 'POP' object has no attribute '_POP__sas'
#36 somebody fixed `SA_TYPE_PROTOGENI` should be of type string.

SA_TYPE_PROTOGENI should be a string.

#37 somebody fixed syntax error in Resource.slices()

The slices getter of the Resource object is defined as:

    def slices(self):
        slices = {}

        for sliver in self.__slivers:
            for slice in sliver.slices:
                slices[] = slice
        return values(slices)

This throws the exception:

  File "/home/chaos/", line 716, in slices
    return values(slices)
NameError: global name 'values' is not defined

I think this is just a typo: values(slices) instead of slices.values().

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