- 13:57 Ticket #64 (Intermittent authentication failure) closed by
- fixed
- 13:55 Ticket #75 (Add banners to Labwiki instances to indicate which is dev and stable) closed by
- fixed
- 13:41 Ticket #81 (OML server crashes while running experiments) created by
- The OML server crashes while running experiments. To do this stress …
- 17:17 Ticket #79 (Encountering issues with VLC application and OML 2.11) closed by
- fixed
- 14:29 Ticket #69 (Enable descriptor file parsing for geni-GIMITesting group) closed by
- fixed: This has been completed. Descriptor file parsing rules have been …
- 15:42 Ticket #80 (upgrade to iRODS 4.0 after GEC19) created by
- iRODS 4.0 will be released in March. We should upgrade the dev and …
- 15:05 Ticket #79 (Encountering issues with VLC application and OML 2.11) created by
- Divya has been working with Olivier et al to troubleshoot issues she …
- 14:50 Ticket #78 (Install separate OML server and GES instances for development.) created by
- There is currently one OML server and one GES instance running on …
- 14:47 Ticket #77 (Move development instances to separate server) created by
- If it is possible to acquire another server, we should move the …
- 14:44 Ticket #76 (Remove Dev iRODS on emmy9:1247) created by
- The iRODs instance at emmy9:1247 should be disabled as soon as …
- 14:43 Ticket #75 (Add banners to Labwiki instances to indicate which is dev and stable) created by
- We discussed adding a banner to the dev Labwiki instance to indicate …
- 14:41 Ticket #74 (Point Dev Labwiki (emmy9:4601) to iRODS Dev emmy9:1248) created by
- After we move the stable Labwiki (emmy9:4000) to OMF 6.0 …
- 14:37 Ticket #73 (Manually create users and groups for testing on emmy9:1248) created by
- The users and groups do not get created on the dev iRODS instance by …
- 14:35 Ticket #72 (Transition Fraida's group to iRODS stable server (geni-gimi:1247)) created by
- Fraida's students are currently using the iRODS server on emmy9:1247 …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.