Custom Query (87 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 87)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#45 fixed Create a new REST resource in iRODS interface to create/remove project groups
  • This will be used by the GENI portal to create a project group in iRODS when a new project is created in the GENI Portal.
  • The remove functionality is included for completeness but will likely not be used since projects do not currently go away in the GENI Portal (they only go dormant).
  • Add gimiadmin to the project group when it is created.
  • Gracefully handle if the project already exists on create or doesn't exist on remove.
#46 fixed Create a REST resource in iRODS interface to add/remove users to/from groups
  • This will to used by the GENI Portal to add a user to a group when an experimenter is added to a project or remove a user from a group when an experimenter is removed from a project.
  • Gracefully handle if the user already exists on the group on add or doesn't exist on remove.
#9 fixed Get iticket from iRODS for the experiment

An iticket will be obtained from iRODS for a given experiment to provide access to the experiment directory for the executing iRODS user (i.e. the experimenter running the init script). This ticket should provide access for the omlserver iRODS user.

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