Custom Query (87 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#84 fixed Job service stalls

While using the job service running at, I ran into the following problem:

  1. When there are many "Running" processes, the job service service stalls and puts the jobs in "Pending" status. To try to identify the source of this problem, I looked at the logs of the "Running" Processes.

The EC tries to connect to an RC which is either not up or does not exist and stays in that state while still showing the job status as "Running".

STDOUT: 11:26:21 INFO  OmfEc::Experiment: Experiment: dbhat-2014-04-11T10-18-13-05-00 starts
STDOUT: 11:26:21 INFO  OmfEc::Experiment: Configure 'nodea-labwikicrashtest' to join 'Source1'
STDOUT: 11:26:21 INFO  OmfEc::Experiment: Configure 'nodeb-labwikicrashtest' to join 'Source2'
STDOUT: 11:26:21 INFO  OmfEc::Experiment: Configure 'nodec-labwikicrashtest' to join 'Source3'

To resolve this problem, I tried:

  1. delete all jobs with status as "Running" but they were only waiting for an RC to connect.
  2. restart the job service on emmy9.

After this the experiments were ran successfully.

I am not sure if all of these resources are listed in the AMQP database.

But, suppose these resources are listed in the AMQP database and are deleted by the experimenter or Aggregate Manager, and at a later time, the experimenter tries to connect to these resources that do not actually exist:

  1. How long will the EC wait for these RCs to connect?
  2. With several such jobs, will job service continue to block and thus, prevent other experiments from running?
#88 worksforme LabWiki crash: with bad file descriptor message

The production LabWiki ( is currently being used by students to run experiments. We noticed a few crashes with the same error as below:

DEBUG development::LabWiki::LWWidget: Calling 'on_stop_experiment on 'LabWiki::Plugin::Experiment::ExperimentWidget' widget

DEBUG development::LabWiki::Plugin::Experiment::ExperimentWidget: STOP EXPERIMENT as requested>>> {:action=>"stop_experiment", :col=>"execute", :sid=>"s6751972_4585340"}

DEBUG development::LabWiki::Plugin::Experiment::Experiment: SEND job stop request to>>>

DEBUG development::LabWiki::Plugin::Experiment::Util::RetryHandler: canceled - #<Proc:0x00000003cea5d8@/var/lib/omfwebapps/lw_gec19/plugins/labwiki_experiment_plugin/lib/labwiki/plugin/experiment/log_adapter.rb:31>

DEBUG development::LabWiki::Plugin::Experiment::Util::RetryHandler: canceled - #<Proc:0x00000003cea1a0@/var/lib/omfwebapps/lw_gec19/plugins/labwiki_experiment_plugin/lib/labwiki/plugin/experiment/ec_adapter.rb:32>

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'

  what():  unable to add new descriptor: Bad file descriptor

Aborted (core dumped)

The maximum file descriptor size for emmy9 seems to be quite high

gimiadmin@emmy9:~$ cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

Is there a maximum limit defined in gems used by LabWiki??

#89 fixed LabWiki: emmy9:4000 response slows down

LabWiki? on response slows down with more than 10 experiments running.

top returns:

top - 11:46:51 up 6 days, 18:31,  3 users,  load average: 9.31, 7.79, 6.78
Tasks: 613 total,   3 running, 609 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s):  4.2%us,  2.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 86.5%id,  7.2%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.2%si,  0.0%st
Mem:  12291136k total, 11220328k used,  1070808k free,   644620k buffers
Swap: 12569596k total,  1234756k used, 11334840k free,  1227576k cached

The response is considerably slow when many experiments are running.

Is there anything specific we should me monitoring or logging when the socket timeout occurs?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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