Custom Query (87 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 87)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#45 fixed Create a new REST resource in iRODS interface to create/remove project groups
  • This will be used by the GENI portal to create a project group in iRODS when a new project is created in the GENI Portal.
  • The remove functionality is included for completeness but will likely not be used since projects do not currently go away in the GENI Portal (they only go dormant).
  • Add gimiadmin to the project group when it is created.
  • Gracefully handle if the project already exists on create or doesn't exist on remove.
#46 fixed Create a REST resource in iRODS interface to add/remove users to/from groups
  • This will to used by the GENI Portal to add a user to a group when an experimenter is added to a project or remove a user from a group when an experimenter is removed from a project.
  • Gracefully handle if the user already exists on the group on add or doesn't exist on remove.
#47 fixed Create iRODS project group when a project is created in the CH
  • A project group will be created in iRODS for every project in the GENI Portal.
  • This will allow us to manage access to iRODS data by project membership rather than having the data accessible only by a single experimenter.
  • Add the project lead to the group when the project is created.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.