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Results (40 - 42 of 87)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#58 fixed UI modification to Labwiki for creating exp context and associated integration work
#60 fixed Support long running experiments in Labwiki

We have had many questions on how to access graphs and status for long running experiments after logging out and logging back in.

Email discussion on this topic:

On 19/09/2013, at 8:46 AM, Jeanne Ohren wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have had a few questions lately (one from Josh Smift and recently from Niky and Manu) about
> being able to have a long running experiment and occasionally check in on graphs of the experiment
> results to see how things are going rather than wait until the experiment completes to view the
> full results.  This would likely mean logging out of Labwiki one day and logging back in the next
> to watch the graphs.
> I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to get this to work with the current Labwiki functionality.
> It currently doesn't work to just log back in and find the executing experiment.

This is one of the things which is high on our feature list and we are half-way there. We have a plan on how to do it, but haven't fully implemented it. There is a quick solution which would survive the re-login, but not a restart of Labwiki. The solution we have in mind would also survive a LW restart.
> One of the ideas batted around was being able to start the experiment (call it ExpX) and then later run another
> OEDL script that only has the graph(s) defined which accesses the data from ExpX.  Is this currently possible?
> If not, is there any other way to get this sort of functionality other than dumping the data periodically to
> iRODS and using some other tool to create graphs from that data?

One of the major features of OMF6 is the clean decoupling of EC and the experiment.I'm using OMF6 to manage a production system which needs to work 24/7 and has been doing that for a while. Thierry, Jack, and Christoph just finished an extension to that for an embedded, distributed system.

Now the short answer to what can be done with a minor step is to persist the "experiment proxy" in the LW OMF plug-in. The current limitation is that you cannot easily change the graph description AFTER an experiment started. However, the graph description themselves are stored inside LW and stay there even after an experiment finishes. Right now those objects are associated with a session, and not a user. What we would need to do and that should be relatively easy is to associate it with the originating user.

I'll talk with Jack about that.


#62 fixed Labwiki assumes that GENI Portal username is the same as iRODS username

Labwiki uses the GENI Portal username to access iRODS. While the GENI Portal tries to get the same username from iRODS, it is not always possible if the username is already taken. In this case, it appends a number to the end. We need to have a way to map the iRODS username to the GENI Portal username.

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