Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#21 OML upgrade on Fedora 15. Refer Ticket #17 reopened task minor GEC19 Authentication/Authorization
#52 Push initial project and experiment metadata and configuration data to experiment's subcollection new task minor GEC20 ExperimentRegistry
#53 Add functionality to GES to allow experimenter to share results new task minor GEC19 ExperimentRegistry
#74 Point Dev Labwiki (emmy9:4601) to iRODS Dev emmy9:1248 new task major GEC21 Labwiki
#99 Install latest Labwiki on emmy9 to test speaks-for functionality new task major GEC21 DevServer
#103 New csv2oml application new task major GEC21 OML
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.