Custom Query (87 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 87)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#68 fixed clean up metadata generation demo

There are some extra files being generated during the descriptor file processing that needs to be cleaned up as well as a few other items.

#69 fixed Enable descriptor file parsing for geni-GIMITesting group

To allow further testing and development of the descriptor file parsing, we discussed having the rules enabled for the geni-GIMITesting group.

#72 fixed Transition Fraida's group to iRODS stable server (geni-gimi:1247)

Fraida's students are currently using the iRODS server on emmy9:1247 which is not being monitored. We would like to transition her students to the instance on geni-gimi:1247 so we can shut down the instance on emmy9.

This task depends upon the fix to ticket #57 (iput -f fails):

Fraida's email: I would like to make sure that the end-user experience is not affected by the switch. So there are a couple of issues holding me back from immediately switching everyone using WiMAX+iRODS to geni-gimi:

The problem with "CAT_NO_ACCESS_PERMISSION" that occurs on 'irm' or 'iput -f'. Since WiMAX+iRODS does not involve LabWiki?, the workarounds for this issue in LabWiki? aren't really suitable for us - they would not be transparent to the end user and they would degrade the user experience. Any chance of this issue being resolved? There is a class of students currently using WiMAX+iRODS quite heavily for a lab course. I would prefer for emmy9 to be maintained past the end of their class (a couple more weeks) to avoid confusion to them. (Although if it's unavoidable, I'm sure they can manage). When I make the switch, I would like to replicate my users' data to geni-gimi so nobody loses data. I don't know if this is something you are planning to do when you shut down emmy9, or if I'd have to do this myself - can you advise?

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