
Version 35 (modified by, 15 years ago) (diff)


GPO coordinator: Josh Karlin Josh Karlin

GENI Cluster D Spiral 2 Connectivity Plan

1. Goals

The following goals have been identified for the GNEI Cluster D Spiral 2 connectivity plan:

a) Cluster D entities (aggregates and the clearinghouse) need reliable, high-bandwidth L3 (IP) and L2 (VLAN) connectivity between each other to meet their experimentation goals for Spiral 2.

b) L3 will be used to reach publically-available services via public IP addresses and /or DNS names.

c) L2 (VLAN) connectivity will be used to join aggregate (and possibly other) resources via pt-to-pt or multi-point VLANs.

d) Pt-to-pt or multi-point VLANs will be used between entities involved in an experiment, where each entity is assigned a unique private IP addresses for the duration of the experiment. This has proven to be a very useful and convenient way to group entities for an experiment, e.g., the OMF network arrangement.

e) Pt-to-pt or multi-point VLANs may be used between entities involved in an experiment, where each entity utilizes a L3 protocol that is not IP.

f) Two backbone network have donated resources to GENI for Spiral 2, and these will be utilized to provide reliable, high-bandwidth L3 and L2 connectivity: Internet2 and NLR

g) Each Cluster D entity (aggregate or clearinghouse) must reach Internet2 and/or NLR to get L3 and L2 connectivity. It is expected that this will include connections through a campus network and a regional network to Internet2 or NLR (but not typically both).

h) It is important that all Cluster D entities have L3 and L2 connectivity with each other in Spiral 2; if not, then the combinations of joint experiment would be limited. This implies connectivity is needed between Internet2 and NLR, which is not currently supported.

i) It is important that the complexities of providing the connectivity be hidden from the experimenter, who should be able to request a L3 (IP) or L2 (VLAN) connection by dealing with primarily their own entity.

j) It should be possible to extend the Cluster D connectivity plan to include resources in the other GENI clusters, with the eventual goal of reliable, high-bandwidth L3 (IP) and L2 (VLAN) connectivity between all GENI entities.

k) The resulting connectivity plan should support this roadmap for Cluster D VLAN capabilities: roadmap

2. Connecting Cluster D Entities to a Backbone Network

2.1 Template

a) Detailed drawing

b) Testbed

PI or staff contact:
Equipment for termination:
Range of VLAN tags?
How to select VLAN tag?

c) Campus network

IT contact:
How are VLANs carried? (direct, tunnel)
Range of VLAN tags?
How to select VLAN tag?

d) Regional access network

Staff contact:
How are VLANs carried? (direct, tunnel)
Range of VLAN tags?
How to select VLAN tag?

e) Backbone network

Network: (I2 GENI wave, I2 DCN, NLR Framenet)
Staff contact:
How are VLANs accepted? (direct, tunnel)
How are VLANs carried? (pt-to-pt, multi pt)
Range of VLAN tags?
How to select VLAN tag?

2.2 ORCA/BEN and IMF Aggregates

See ORCA/BEN Capabilities

See ORCA/BEN Spiral 2 Connectivity

See Fig 6-1 and 6-4

Figure 6-4, ORCA/BEN Connectivty for Demo

VLANs from RENCI BEN PoP, via fiber, to NLR FrameNet

VLANs from UNC-CH BEN PoP, via BEN, via RENCI BEN PoP, to NLR FrameNet

VLANs from Duke BEN MPoP, via Duke Campus OIT, to NLR FrameNet

2.3 DOME , ViSE and Cloud-Control Aggregates

Note: Cloud Control aggregate will require special connectivity arrangements to cloud resources.

See DOME Spiral 1 Connectivity

Layer 3 Connectivity: IP access will be through UMass Amherst's campus network, using their public IP addresses.

VLANs from UMass Amherst CS building, via UMass Amherst campus OIT, via Northern Crossroads (NoX), via handoff located at 300 Bent St in Cambridge, MA, to NLR? to Internet2? Or to both?

Layer 2 Connectivity from server at Amherst to PoP in Cambridge, MA: In cooperation with OIT at UMass-Amherst we have provided a VLAN connection from our control plane server to an Internet2 point-of-presence in Boston.

An MOU was agreed upon with the UMass Office of Information Technology (OIT) regarding connecting Internet2 to the DOME and ViSE servers, along with VLAN access. The OIT contact is Rick Tuthill, tuthill email at The agreements include:

1) CS shall order OIT-provisioned network jacks in appropriate locations in the Computer Science building using normal OIT processes. (completed)
2) OIT shall configure these jacks into a single VLAN that shall be extended over existing OIT-managed network infrastructure between the Computer Science building and the Northern Crossroads (NoX) Internet2 Gigapop located at 300 Bent St in Cambridge, MA.
3) OIT agrees to provide a single VLAN for “proof-of-concept” testing and initial GENI research activities.
4) The interconnection of the provided VLAN between the NoX termination point and other Internet2 locations remains strictly the province of the CS researchers and the GENI organization.
5) This service shall be provided by OIT at no charge to CS for the term of one year in the interest of OIT learning more about effectively supporting network-related research efforts on campus.

In an email dated September 28th, 2009 Rick Tuthill of UMass-Amherst OIT updated us on the status of this connection, as follows:

1) The two existing ports at the CS building in room 218A and room 226 and all intermediary equipment are now configured to provide layer-2 VLAN transport from these networks jacks to the UMass/Northern Crossroads(NoX) handoff at 300 Bent St in Cambridge, MA.
2) The NoX folks are not doing anything with this research VLAN at this time. They need further guidance from GENI on exactly what they’re supposed to do with the VLAN.
3) Also, once IP addressing is clarified for this VLAN, we’ll need to configure some OIT network equipment to allow the selected address range(s) to pass through.

2.4 Kansei Aggregate

VLANs from Ohio State, via ?, to ?

VLANs from Wayne State, via ?, to ?

2.5 OKGems Aggregate

VLANs from Oklahoma State, via ?, to ?

2.6 iGENI (Starlight) Crossconnect

VLANs from Starlight L2 crossconnect service in Chicago, to multiple backbone networks, including NLR and Internet2.

See Starlight

See Starlight GLIF GOLE May, 2006

2.7 LEARN Regional Network

VLANs from Univ of Houston and Rice University, via LEARN network, to ?

2.8 BBN Nodes

Note: An aggregate with a cluster of VMs is included at this site. L3 service from BBN GENI ops lab in Cambridge (CamGENI), via Northern Crossroads (NoX), to NLR. VLANs from BBN GENI ops lab in Cambridge (CamGENI), via Northern Crossroads (NoX), to NLR. See

L3 service from BBN GENI ops lab in Cambridge (CamGENI), via Northern Crossroads (NoX), to Internet2 VLANs from BBN GENI ops lab in Cambridge (CamGENI), via Northern Crossroads (NoX), to Internet2.

3. Backbone Connectivity Options

3.1 Internet2

a) See Internet2

b) L3 service

Details? Reach?

c) Pre-configured VLANs on GENI “wave”, between certain Internet2 Wave System nodes. See Internet2 WAVE

This is the approach being used by ProtoGENI backbone.

See ProtoGENI Backbone

See ProtoGENI Backbone Node

Pt-to-pt? Multi-point?

d) Direct connections to the Internet2 Wave System nodes.

This is the approach being used by ProtoGENI backbone nodes.

See ProtoGENI Backbone

See ProtoGENI Backbone Node

More details on this can be found at ? It states that the ProtoGENI switches (shown below in the IP table) are each attached to the GENI L2 wave but also to I2's Layer 3 network at 1Gb/s.

e) Tunnel to Internet2 Wave System nodes.

From ?: Those aggregates that cannot get on the wave but are attached to I2 might be able to configure static IP tunnels (such as Ethernet over GRE) to one of the ProtoGENI switches attached to I2's Layer 3 services.

f) Switched VLANs using Internet2 DCN service.

The Internet2 DCN service provides switched VLANs, but there are two issues that suggest that it will not be utilized for GENI traffic.

First, its use has not been included in the package of services donated to GENI, and thus there may be a cost to the GENI aggregate now, or in the future.

Second, it is available in only a limited number of Internet2 PoPs, and these may be difficult to reach.

Currently, ORCA plans to provide an interface into the Internet2 IDC by 2/1/10.

3.2 NLR

a) See NLR

b) L3 service See PacketNet

Details? Reach?

c) Switched (or pre-configured) VLANs using FrameNet service. See NLR FrameNet

Pt-to-pt? Multi-point?

Setup using Sherpa service.

BEN has used Sherpa to pre-configure VLANs. See Figure 6-4.

ORCA plans to provide an interface into the Sherpa GCI by 2/1/10.

d) VLANs via C-Wave service?

Details? How?

4. Configuration of VLAN Connections

4.1 Ordering of VLAN Connections

Ordering of VLAN connections is likely to proceed from the backbone out to the endpoints:

a) In a demo on 7/7/09, the ORCA/BEN project:

  • Used Sherpa to pre-configure VLANs through NLR
  • Pre-assigned VLANs through the Duke campus network
  • And then mapped VLAN tags near the endpoint nodes.

See Figures 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4.

b) In a suggested approach to connectivity specification at RSpec Connectivity, it is suggested that: “we give the backbone priority in selecting a network's VLAN ID and aggregates must map the ID within their local network by whatever means is most convenient for them. This way, the experimenter need only know what backbone the aggregate is connected to, and can design the network from there.”

4.2 Static or Dynamic Connections Through Backbone

a) ProtoGENI (Emulab) uses pre-configured (static) VLANs on Internet2 GENI “wave”, between certain Internet2 Wave System nodes. See Internet2 , ProtoGENI Backbone and ProtoGENI Backbone Node

b) ORCA/BEN project pre-configured (static) VLANs using NLR FrameNet service. See Figures 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4.

These were provisioned using Sherpa service.

ORCA plans to provide an interface into the Sherpa GCI by 2/1/10, which would allow VLANs in NLR to be dynamically setup.

Dynamic setup would allow additional flexibility, with some complications.

4.3 Connections Between Backbones

The iGENI (Starlight) crossconnect includes the Starlight L2 crossconnect service in Chicago, which connects to multiple backbone networks, both domestic and international, including NLR and Internet2.

See Starlight GLIF GOLE May, 2006

See Starlight

The Starlight service should be able to bridge connections between multiple backbone networks, allowing access to distant testbeds. It may be able to bridge VLANs between NLR and Internet2, if allowed.

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