Version 1 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Cluster D conference call on Friday, April 9, 2010
Ilia Baldine RENCI
Harry Mussman GPO
Joe Mambretti Northwestern
Keren Bergman (Columbia)
Michael Wang
Brian Lynn UMass
David Irwin
Wenjie (Ohio State)
Hongwei Zhang(Wayne State)
Deniz Gurgan (Univ Houston)
1) GEC9 demo proposals, to date:
a) Ilia (RENCI): BEN for video transport
b) Joe (Northwestern): iGENI, HP and Ericsson: video transcoding on clouds over dynamically provisioned networks
c) David (UMass): Now-casting (short-term weather forcasting), GEC7 demo plus more computation
d) Jeff Chase (Duke): Dynamically stand-up ASs with custom click routers
2) Bella 2.0 release:
+ Documentation, still coming. Out by next meeting, including David's example.
+ When to put up Bella 2.0 clearinghouse?
- When to retire Anacortes 1.2 clearinghouse?
- Overlap required? probably not; then, can put new clearinghouse on server currently holding old clearinghouse
3) Connectivity plans:
+ Focus on connecting Wayne State to Ohio State via Starlight
- Had a large conference call