Changes between Version 153 and Version 154 of WiMAXInteg

04/01/10 13:42:44 (14 years ago)



  • WiMAXInteg

    v153 v154  
    189189Each GENI WiMAX campus/site must have a valid FCC license to operate a WiMAX base station.  In some cases, a campus/site plans to use an existing "educational license" already held by their institution.  However, in most cases, the campus/site plans to apply for and use a new "experimental license" that, by and large, can be obtained just by requesting it from the FCC.  This process has been successful in 4 cases for 3 campuses/sites. See Section 8.2, "Obtain FCC License". [[BR]]
    191 However, in almost all situations, there is a potential overlap with the ongoing national Clearwire/Sprint WimAX rollout.  (See the list of current and planned deployments below.)  This is true for several reasons. [[BR]]
     191However, in almost all situations, there is a potential overlap with the ongoing national Clearwire/Sprint WiMAX rollout.  (See the list of current and planned deployments below.)  This is true for several reasons. [[BR]]
    193193If a GENI WiMAX campus/site plans to use an existing "educational license" already held by their institution, which has not yet been leased to Clearwire/Sprint, there is a reasonable chance that the institution may yet pursue a lease with Sprint/Cleariwre, and thus the GENI WiMAX campus/site could lose their license.[[BR]]
    195195In the cases where the institution has leased their "educational license" to Clearwire/Sprint (which may or may not have started service), all is not lost.  A new upcoming rule apparently requires that an institution that has leased their "educational license" must retain "at least 5%" for their own use, or else forfeit their license.  So, a GENI WiMAX campus/site may gain partial access to an "educational license" even if it has alreasy been leased to Clearwire/Sprint.[[BR]]
    197 I the cases where a GENI WiMAX campus/site plans to apply for and use a new "experimental license", it has been found that most available spectrum has been leased to Sprint/Clearwire, although they are not yet using it in most locations (see below).  So, the FCC will grant an "experimental license" that overlaps spectrum already leased (likely to Clearwire/Sprint), but they require:  if the owner of the spectrum (i.e., Clearwire/Sprint) begins service, the holder of the "experimental license" must stop using the spectrum immediately.[[BR]]
     197In the cases where a GENI WiMAX campus/site plans to apply for and use a new "experimental license", it has been found that most available spectrum has been leased to Sprint/Clearwire, although they are not yet using it in most locations (see below).  So, the FCC will grant an "experimental license" that overlaps spectrum already leased (likely to Clearwire/Sprint), but they require:  if the owner of the spectrum (i.e., Clearwire/Sprint) begins service, the holder of the "experimental license" must stop using the spectrum immediately.[[BR]]
    199199So, what does this all mean?[[BR]]
    243243|| No ||  Issue  ||  Who  ||  Opened  ||  Resolved  || Resolution  ||  Note  ||
    244 || 5.1  ||  Who wants additional kits:  We need to compile a list of GENI-related campuses and sites that want to purchase the necessary equipment to build their own WiMAX campus deployment kits.  Current list:  BBN Technologies (firm); University of Wisconsin, 2nd site (?); other? ||  Mussman  ||  12/09  || -  || -  ||  We need this to be firm by 3/31/10, to be ready to place the order. ||
    245 || 5.2  ||    How to order additional kits:  We need to understand how to order the key components from NEC for a WiMAX campus deployment kit, both BofM and process.  ||  Rangarajan  ||  2/10  || -  || -  || We need this by 3/31/10, to be ready to place the order.  ||
    246 || 5.3  ||   Research plans:  Each project should review and update their plans for research, which can help drive design of kit and software.   ||  All  ||  -  || -  || -  || -  ||
    247 || 5.4  ||   Spares:  Currently, there are no designated spares for hardware that could fail:  ODU, NW INTFC card or CHC card.  What will we do if we need a spare?  ||  Rangarajan, Mussman  ||  2/23/10  || -  || -  || Need to check on NEC America budget for spares.  Need to check on GPO budget for spares.  || 
     244|| 5.1  ||  Who wants additional kits:  We need to compile a list of GENI-related campuses and sites that want to purchase the necessary equipment to build their own WiMAX campus deployment kits.   ||  Mussman  ||  12/09  || 3/16/10  || BBN and 2nd for Wisconsin going ahead;  U Norht Texas and FIU waiting.  || ||
     245|| 5.2  ||    How to order additional kits:  We need to understand how to order the key components from NEC for a WiMAX campus deployment kit, both BofM and process.  ||  Rangarajan  ||  2/10  || 3/5  || Sent info to order  ||   ||
     246|| 5.3  ||   Research plans:  Each project should review and update their plans for research, which can help drive design of kit and software.   ||  All  ||  -  || 3/16, ongoing  || See Section 11  || -  ||
     247|| 5.4  ||   Spares:  Currently, there are no designated spares for hardware that could fail:  ODU, NW INTFC card or CHC card.  What will we do if we need a spare?  ||  Rangarajan, Mussman  ||  2/23/10  || 3/1  || There will be a few spares at WINLAB and NEC America ||   || 
    248248|| 5.5  ||   -  ||  -  ||  -  || -  || -  || -  ||