'''[wiki:WiMAX/WiMAX-Tutorial/Dash/06 Previous]'' == Testing other DASH Policies == Repeat this experiment by loading the client image for another policy and re-running the experiment. [[br]] {{{ omf load -i gec17_dash_policy_1.ndz -t node1-3.outdoor.orbit-lab.org omf tell -a on -t node1-3.outdoor.orbit-lab.org omf exec -C omf-expctl.yaml wmxtutor-dash.rb }}} and pushing the data and log files to iRODs: {{{ iarchive -e expID -c dash }}} try creating the same plots as before from the new '''expID'''.sq3 file. Which policy do you observe to outperform the others with iperf load present in the network? You can also calculate these numbers directly by running SQL commands on the result database; try (using your own '''expID'''): {{{ sqlite3 /var/lib/oml2/expID.sq3 }}} Try running the experiment a few times. Do the results change between different experiment runs? By how much?