Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of WIMXCOLUM/CUWIMAX

02/14/11 16:23:26 (14 years ago)
SungHoon Seo

indoor installation



    v23 v24  
    1111 1. Contact Facilities to mount pole mask and ODU on outdoor site
    1212 1. Request permission from Dean's office, facilities, and real-estate committee
    13  1. Preliminary base station testing with Wi-Fi antenna by using signal power attenuator (it should be set with reduced (lowest) TX power 0 dBm)
     13 1. ~~Preliminary base station testing with Wi-Fi antenna by using signal power attenuator (it should be set with reduced (lowest) TX power 0 dBm)~~ See ''Section 7. Indoor testing'' for more details.
    1414 1. Purchase additional necessary items
    1515 1. Ethernet activation (1402B) when all equipments are ready via Patrick (CUIT staff)
    8989See [wiki:WIMXCOLUM/CUWIMAX/OldSites "Old outdoor/indoor sites"].
    91 == 7. Indoor installment ==
    92 === Notes ===
    93  * It is strongly required connecting with `serial cable' between IDU and ASN-GW server because of monitoring purpose.
     91== 7. Indoor testing ==
     92This section describes a note for the purpose of preliminary base station test at indoor environment.
     93=== Important notes ===
     94 * It is strongly recommended that connecting to the IDU (CHC's serial port) is allowed through `serial cable' by using any model control application (e.g., minicom) for the monitoring purpose. However, it can be substituted with '''ssh''' connection.
     95 * Preliminary base station testing with the sector-antenna: Signal power attenuator should be located between ODU and the antenna (''bs_tx_power'' should be set in 0 dBm)
     96=== Testing topology ===
     97 1. ASN-GW
     98    - eth0: -> connected to the monitoring console machine
     99    - eth1: -> connected to the IDU
     100    - eth2: dhclient -> connected to the CU networks
     101 1. IDU
     102    1. CHC:
     103    1. NW INTFC:
     104 1. Monitoring console machine
     105    - eth0: -> directly connected to the eth0@ASN-GW
     106=== Booting up sequence ===
     107First time, whenever we tried to boot up the ASN-GW server, IDU, and ODU, NW INTFC and CHC at IDU indicated that several warning and alram lights was turning on.
     109a. ALM light (red) at NW INTFC: It's occurred by GPS.
     110b. WARN light (orange) at NW INTFC: It indicates that "Real time clock seems stuck!" which is caused from time sync issues because GPS receiver is not connected at this time of testing.
     111c. ODU ALM light (red) at CHC: Setting up ODU fails.
     112d. ODU LINK light (green) at CHC: When it's on, it means the connection between IDU and ODU is successfully established.
     114We found that there is a turn-on sequence for these machines to work properly, which is as follows: 
     115 1. Turn on the power of ASN-GW server
     116    - Send ping to (IP address of ASN-GW) from monitoring console to check the server alive.
     117    - ssh
     118 1. Turn on the power of NW INTFC
     119    - Send ping to (IP address of NW INTFC) from a console at ASN-GW to check the NW INTFC alive.
     120    - telnet
     121 1. Turn on the power of CHC
     122    - Send ping to (Ip address of CHC) from a console at ASN-GW to check the CHC alive.
     123    - telnet
     124 1. Restart the asn-gw module at a console of ASN-GW
     125    - sudo /usr/bin/asn-gw stop
     126    - sudo /usr/bin/asn-gw start   // this command will reboot the CHC (internally ''bs_restart'' is called)
     127    - Wait until CHC is ready by sending ping to the (IP address of CHC)
     128    - Check the ODU LINK light on at the CHC panel!!
     129 1. For the logging information, manually synchronize the time between machines.
     130    - We turn on ntpd at asn-gw for the testing purpose
     131    - ntpdate (IP address of the ASN-GW)
     132    - export TZ=EST
     133    - NOTE: At CHC, TZ variable is automatically recovered to the JST.
     134=== Testing ===
     135 * Scanning test (02/10/11)
     136   - As soon as we checked the BTS works properly, we did a wide range of test for scanning procedures from linux based WiMAX client, but failed to see the GENI id'ed base station (NSP=51).
    95138== 8. Client Setting ==