
Version 7 (modified by Don Kline, 15 years ago) (diff)


Project Number


Project Title

Virtual Machine Introspection and Development of a Model Federation Framework for GENI
a.k.a. VMI-FED

Technical Contacts

PI: Kara Nance, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Brian Hay, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Jon Genetti, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Participating Organizations

Computer Science Department
University of Alaska Fairbanks

GPO Liaison System Engineer

Vic Thomas


This work develops secure monitoring mechanisms (Virtual Machine Introspection) for virtual machines in GENI slices, and also brings University of Alaska resources into GENI to help develop working implementations of federation and provide a diverse environment for evaluating VMI and other GENI software or experiments. Deployment begins with the Advanced System Security Education Research and Training (ASSERT) Lab, with software based on their previous work with Xen virtual monitoring. The UA CIO is directly involved in the project, and will provide realistic requirements and support for GENI deployments in environments that range from supercomputer centers to geographically isolated communities operating at the extremes of the network’s thin edge.

Current Capabilities


MilestoneDate(VMI-FED: S2.a VIX demo)?
MilestoneDate(VMI-FED: S2.b ASSERT doc)?
Current ASSERT doc available at

MilestoneDate(VMI-FED: S2.c GEC8 demo)?
MilestoneDate(VMI-FED: S2.d resource doc)?
MilestoneDate(VMI-FED: S2.e GENI VMI demo)?
MilestoneDate(VMI-FED: S2.f scale up demo)?
MilestoneDate(VMI-FED: S2.g analysis doc)?

Project Technical Documents

Quarterly Status Reports

due 31Dec09: 4Q09 Status Report

Spiral 2 Connectivity

Related Projects

Attachments (3)