Changes between Version 65 and Version 66 of UniformClearinghouseAPI

09/25/13 10:15:20 (11 years ago)

Clarify which fields of get_version are only for authorities


  • UniformClearinghouseAPI

    v65 v66  
    7878Each Registry or Authority API provides a ‘get_version’ method, which provides information to the caller (or a tool composing calls for a tool user) about versions and options supported by that API. The call takes no argument and is unguarded (anyone can call it). The return from the get_version call will be a dictionary including the following entries (by key):
    7979 * VERSION: The version number of the Federation API (e.g. “10.0.7”). Note: this is the version of the API not the version of the implementation.
    80  * SERVICES: The set of services the given URL supports
    81  * CREDENTIAL_TYPES: A list of recognized credential types (e.g. [ABAC, SFA]) and list of supported credential versions on protected API methods.
    82  * ROLES : A list of recognized roles for slice/project membership (optional for those Slice Authorities supporting membership)
    83  * OBJECTS : List of additional supported objects (e.g. PROJECT in SA, KEY in MA). Not needed if only default objects handled (e.g. SLICE in SA, MEMBER in MA, SERVICE in Registry).
     80 * SERVICES: The set of services the given URL supports   ''[Authorities only]''
     81 * CREDENTIAL_TYPES: A list of recognized credential types (e.g. [ABAC, SFA]) and list of supported credential versions on protected API methods.  ''[Authorities only]''
     82 * ROLES : A list of recognized roles for slice/project membership (optional for those Slice Authorities supporting membership).  ''[Authorities only]''
     83 * OBJECTS : List of additional supported objects (e.g. PROJECT in SA, KEY in MA). Not needed if only default objects handled (e.g. SLICE in SA, MEMBER in MA, SERVICE in Registry). ''[Authorities only]''
    8484 * FIELDS: A dictionary of '''''supplementary''''' object field names (i.e. in additional to the required fields) and associated attributes including:
    8585     * “OBJECT” provides the object to which the field belongs (if not the default authority object, i.e. SLICE for Slice Authority, MEMBER for Member Authority, Service for Registry)