Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of URNConsolidation

07/13/16 11:52:46 (8 years ago)

Final minor edits


  • URNConsolidation

    v19 v20  
    3030== 2. Identify Affected Stitching Endpoints ==
    32 The GENI aggregate advertisement includes a ''stitching'' section which defines how VLANs are to be connected and which VLANs are associated with that stitching site.  To determine the impact of a consolidation on stitching you must start by collecting the AL2S advertisement and reviewing its stitching definitions:
     32The GENI aggregate advertisement includes a ''stitching'' section which defines how VLANs are to be connected and which VLANs are associated with that stitching site.  To determine the impact of a consolidation on stitching, you must start by collecting the AL2S aggregate advertisement and reviewing its stitching definitions using the omni tool:
    3434   omni -a al2s listresources -o
    36 Review the content of the stitching section in the output file rspec-al2s-internet2-edu.xml and see if there any site affected for the switch being consolidated. 
     36Review the content of the stitching section in the output file rspec-al2s-internet2-edu.xml and see if there are any sites affected for the switch being consolidated. 
    3838For example there were several stitching endpoints for "" in the AL2S Advertisement:
    53 From the above list we will request the "<stitch:link id" to be updated, the "<stitch:port id" transitions are implicit. In this example, there are 6 stitching endpoints requiring updates (2 InstaGENI, 2 ExoGENI, 1 OpenGENI, 1 network aggregate(iMinds) and 1 fixed endpoint (host-gpolab). 
    55 In GENI Network Stitching a fixed endpoint is a resource that is not a GENI aggregate but still supports stitching.  Fixed endpoints are statically configured in the SCS servers to capture stitching information and are generally set up for specific demonstrations, or peering points. <<CHECKING WITH XI>>.
    57 == 3.  Identify unstitched networking in GENI that may be affected by the consolidation.
     53From the above list we will request the "<stitch:link id" to be updated. The "<stitch:port id" transitions are implicit. In this example, there are 6 stitching endpoints requiring updates (2 InstaGENI, 2 ExoGENI, 1 OpenGENI, 1 network aggregate(iMinds) and 1 fixed endpoint (host-gpolab). 
     55In GENI Network Stitching, a fixed endpoint is a resource that is not a GENI aggregate but still supports stitching.  Fixed endpoints are statically configured in the SCS servers to capture stitching information and are generally set up for specific demonstrations, or peering points. <<CHECKING WITH XI>>.
     57== 3.  Identify unstitched network resources in GENI that may be affected by the consolidation.
    5959Examples are multipoint VLANs, statically configured VLANs that are not used for stitching, and special project-specific VLANs, such as SDX VLANs, and international VLANs.  Notify resource owners/users and GMOC as explained in Section 1.
    8181 10GigabitEthernet15/7   10GE                    xe-3/0/3.0
    83 From the check of the AL2S stitching Advertisement, we know that there are seven stitching sites impacted by this URN transition. Define a list of each of the exacted changes. The table below highlights each of the transitions:
     83From the check of the AL2S stitching Advertisement, we know that there are seven stitching sites impacted by this URN transition. Define a list of each of the expected changes. The table below highlights each of the transitions:
    8484||'''Old URN                                             || ''' New URN ''' ||
    8585||      || ||
    9191|| || ||
     93Note that Internet2 may change the port assignments or port names in the course of their work with the hardware, which happens before the GENI scheduled maintenance begins.  Internet2 engineering ops team must notify GENI as soon as possible via the GMOC ticket when such a change occurs, since it will affect GENI's configuration changes.  The GMOC is responsible for coordinating with Internet2's engineering ops team for changes such as this.
    9495== 4. Request Stitching Changes from GENI Aggregates Operations Teams ==
    96 URN transition require co-ordination with various teams. Get positive confirmation in email before the scheduled outage that at least one person from any affected ops team will be available at the time the scheduled outage begins through the end of the scheduled outage.  Remember to get confirmations from the contacts for any resources affected in the test SCS as well, because they may not be part of any of the usual ops teams.  Following are the teams/contributors that handle the transition based on the type of aggregate:
     97URN transition requires co-ordination with various teams. Get positive confirmation in email before the scheduled outage that at least one person from any affected ops team will be available at the time the scheduled outage begins through the end of the scheduled outage.  Remember to get confirmations from the contacts for any resources affected in the test SCS as well, because they may not be part of any of the usual ops teams.  Following are the teams/contributors that handle the transition based on the type of aggregate:
    9798  * InstaGENI: ( Request is handled by Hussam Nasir (
    9899  * ExoGENI: ( Request is handled by Mert Cevik ( or Ilya Baldin (
    108109=== 4a. Change Request Details ===
    110 Based on the existing Stitching information and the announced changes, generate a list of new link ids to be used at each site.
    112 Following is an example from the New York transition, where GPO IG and NYSERNet URNs changes were request to InstaGENI Team:
     111Based on the existing Stitching information and the announced changes, generate a list of new link IDs to be used at each site.
     113Following is an example from the New York transition, where GPO IG and NYSERNet URNs changes were requested from InstaGENI Team:
    114115Link ID:
    123 GPO EG URNs change were request for ExoGENI Team:
     124GPO EG URNs changes were requested from the ExoGENI Team:
    125126Link ID:
    130 GPO OG URNs change request for OpenGENI Team:
     131GPO OG URNs changes were request from OpenGENI Team:
    132133Link ID:
    137 Wall2 iMinds URN changes were request to Imind Team:
     138Wall2 iMinds URN changes were requested from the Iminds Team:
    139140Link ID:
    144 AL2S Aggregate URN Change Request for GMOC:
     145AL2S Aggregate URN Changes were reqeusted from Internet2 via the GMOC:
    146147Link ID:
    176177=== 4b. Submit Change Requests to Teams ===
    178 Send Email to each of the teams to request the above changes. For example, for the New York Switch updates change request emails were sent to these aggregate teams: IG, EG, OG, iMinds and Internet2 AL2S.
     179Send Email to each of the teams to request the above changes. For example, for the New York Switch updates change request, emails were sent to these aggregate teams: IG, EG, OG, iMinds and Internet2 AL2S.
    180181As a courtesy, copy the rack admin contact(s) or email list from the [ Operators] page on these requests.  They don't have to take any action, but they may want to know that their racks will be potentially unable to stitch for a period of time during the scheduled outage.
    192193==== InstaGENI Update Details ====
    194 InstaGENI updates follow the following approach:
     195InstaGENI updates follow this approach:
    196197  1. Ask, which maps to Hussam ( running the commands below on the rack boss node.
    197   2. Or, a site contact may asked to log into boss node and run these commands.
    198   3. Or, you can create an admin account on the boss node (via the web UI for the site, e.g. for gpo-ig) and once it is approved, you can run the commands.
     198  2. Or, a site contact may be asked to log into boss node and run these commands (Hussam does not maintain a few dev racks, or racks that being provisioned by GPO that are not yet completed).
     199  3. Or, the engineer coordinating the scheduled maintenancce, can reqeust an admin account on the boss node for this work from the rack ower(via the web UI for the site, e.g. for gpo-ig).  Once that account is approved, you can run the necessary commands for the update remotely.
    200201''Note: Options 2 and 3 are not likely to happen, as option 1 has always taken place as expected. '' 
    216217  - Production SCS maintained by the Internet2 ( Updates handled by Luke Fowler ( or AJ Ragusa (
    218 The Production and Test SCS include stitching information for different sets of aggregates, to find out which SCS knows about which aggregates, issue the following GENI tools commands:
     219The Production and Test SCS include stitching information for different sets of aggregates.  To find out which SCS knows about which aggregates, issue the following GENI tools commands:
    220221For the Production SCS:
    241242<a> Verify Advertisement for AL2s and GENI aggregate that were updated. If the new URN is missing from the '' '''stitching''' '' section, contact the appropriate aggregate team. [[BR]]
    243 <b> Create stitched slivers with the production SCS that uses each of the rack aggregates that were updated and connect to a remote stitching site.   Login in to one node for each sliver and leave some ping traffic running.  _DO NOT_ delete these slivers used later in monitoring verification. If Production SCS reports unknown path contact Luke about updating production SCS. [[BR]]
    245 <c> Create stitched slivers with the test SCS, which can be done by using the omni/stitcher option '' "--scsURL" '' that uses each of the rack aggregates that were updated and connect them to a remote stitching site.    Login in to one node for each sliver and leave some ping traffic running.  _DO NOT_ delete these slivers used later in monitoring verification. If Test SCS reports unknown path contact Xi about updating Test SCS. [[BR]]
     244<b> Create stitched slivers with the production SCS that uses each of the rack aggregates that were updated and connects it to a remote stitching site.   Login in to one node for each sliver and leave some ping traffic running.  _DO NOT_ delete these slivers used later in monitoring verification. If Production SCS reports unknown path, contact Luke or AJ about updating the production SCS. [[BR]]
     246<c> Create stitched slivers with the test SCS, which can be done by using the omni/stitcher option '' "--scsURL" '' that uses each of the rack aggregates that were updated and connect them to a remote stitching site.    Login in to one node for each sliver and leave some ping traffic running.  _DO NOT_ delete these slivers used later in monitoring verification. If Test SCS reports unknown path contact Xi about updating the Test SCS. [[BR]]
    247248<d> Update the GENI aggregate page for GENI Aggregate ( to capture the new stitching ''' ''link'' ''' details. [[BR]]
    249 <e> Review the [ Operators] page to replace any instances of old URN.[[BR]]
    251 <f> Review the GENI VLAN Delegation page at, to make sure that instances of the old switch name no longer appear. If old instances appear send email to GPO Infrastructure group ( and cc: Ali Sydney (
     250<e> Review the [ Operators] page to replace any instances of old URNs or old switch/port names.  (Check the network drawings as well as the text.  It is OK to add notes to the network drawing section, because revising the drawings usually requires getting a new drawing from the site, which takes longer than the scheduled outage.[[BR]]
     252<f> Review the GENI VLAN Delegation page at, to make sure that instances of the old switch name no longer appear. If old instances appear, send email to GPO Infrastructure group ( and cc: Ali Sydney ( to make corrections.
    253254<g> Update " to replace any modified interface information, see example from Salt Lake update: [[BR]] 
    271272== 7. Update and Close Tickets ==
    273 Assuming all tests are successful, update and close all tickets by emailing the GMOC.  If there are outstanding issues that are significant, leave the ticket open until they are resolved.  If there are smaller outstanding issues, close the maintenance tickets, and open new tickets with the appropriate owners to track and resolve, ideally before the next maintenance.
     274Assuming all tests are successful, update and close all tickets by emailing the GMOC and any individual resource owners who were contacted but not included in the tickets.  If there are outstanding issues that are significant, leave the ticket open until they are resolved.  If there are smaller outstanding issues, close the maintenance tickets, and open new tickets with the appropriate owners to track and resolve, ideally before the next maintenance.
     276If this process needs revision to account for events that occurred during the maintenance, email the ops teams and follow up with discussion or revision as appropriate.