Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Tutorials/ICDCS2013/GEMINI/Procedure/DesignSetup

07/06/13 15:26:36 (11 years ago)
Vic Thomas



  • Tutorials/ICDCS2013/GEMINI/Procedure/DesignSetup

    v1 v1  
     1[[PageOutline(2-2, Table of Contents)]]
     3= Instrumentation and Measurement using GEMINI =
     5== 1. Get Ready to use the GENI Desktop ==
     6The GENI Desktop requires your public key, generated from your cert,  to be uploaded to the Portal.  This was generated for you when you ran omni-configure at the last tutorial.  The key is at {{{~./ssh/}}}.
     8=== 1a. After you are logged into the [ GENI Portal], select the tab labeled "Profile" on the top right of the page. ===
     10[[Image(Tutorials/ICDCS2013/GEMINI/figures:PortalProfilePage.tiff, 75%)]]
     12=== 1b. Click on the "Upload another SSH public key" button in the '''SSH Keys"" section of your Portal Profile page. ===
     14=== 1c. Click on the box that is labeled "SSH Public Key File".   ===
     15   * When the dialog box pops up, click on the icon with a pencil and type in the location of the public key file ({{{~./ssh/}}}).  Then click "Open".
     17[[Image(Tutorials/ICDCS2013/GEMINI/figures:PublicKeyUpload.tiff, 75%)]]
     19=== 1d. Click "Upload" to upload this key.   ===
     20   * If everything goes well you should see two keys listed in your '''SSH Keys''' section of your Profile page.
     23== 2. Launch Flack and  Import RSpec ==
     25=== 2a. Go to the [ GENI Experimenter Portal]. ===
     26=== 2b. Select your project and slice. ===
     27=== 2c. Launch Flack. ===
     28=== 2d. Import an RSpec from {{{}}}. ===
     29   * When you import, you will be asked to select an aggregate manager.  Select the aggregate manager in your worksheet.
     31This is what you should see after importing your RSpec:
     33[[Image(Tutorials/ICDCS2013/GEMINI/figures:AfterRSpecImport.tiff, 75%)]]
     35== 3. Add GEMINI Extensions and Reserve Resources ==
     37Tell Flack to add GEMINI extensions i.e. create a Global Node for this slice at this aggregate.
     39=== 3a. Click on the tab for Plugins ===
     41[[Image(Tutorials/ICDCS2013/GEMINI/figures:SelectPluginsTab.tiff, 75%)]]
     43=== 3b. Check the box for "Use GEMINI Extensions".  ===
     44   * This will add a Global Node to your slice.
     46[[Image(Tutorials/ICDCS2013/GEMINI/figures:WithGEMINIExtensions.tiff, 75%)]]
     48=== 3c. Click "Submit" to reserve resources. ===
     49   * Wait until the Flack canvas turns green.   If the canvas does not  turn green after 2-3 minutes, click on "Get Status" every 30 seconds or so to force Flack to get updates on the status of the resources.