Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TangoGeniMonitoring/GmocConfiguration

02/04/13 17:39:25 (11 years ago)



  • TangoGeniMonitoring/GmocConfiguration

    v1 v1  
     3= How to configure tango-monitor-gmoc for GMOC reporting =
     5== Introduction ==
     7This page explains how to install and configure the tango-monitor-gmoc package for reporting data to GMOC, on any supported operating system.  The tango-monitor-gmoc package is the base package for reporting data to GMOC, and should be a dependency for any aggregate-specific software which reports data to GMOC.
     9This page was written for:
     13and may not work well with earlier versions.  We have tested these instructions on Ubuntu 10.04 only, but expect they will also work on CentOS.  If you are running a different OS and it is not obvious how to translate the instructions, please contact GPO infra.
     15''Compatibility note:, the GMOC monitoring client, requires python2.6 or later.  If the default python on your system is earlier than 2.6, you'll need to install a secondary python.  GPO infra has done this for CentOS 5, and can provide suggestions.''
     17== Upgrading from previous versions ==
     19This is the first packaged version of tango-monitor-gmoc, so there are no upgrades from previous versions.
     21== Variables ==
     23 * `<cronuser>`: The user as which to run GMOC monitoring.  The scripts can run as root, or as a non-root user of your choice.  (At GPO, we use the `ganglia` user.)
     24 * You need several pieces of identifying information for your site:
     25   * `<submission_user>`: a one-word phrase describing your site, which is your username for data submission to GMOC (see step I) (e.g. `ExoGENI-BBN`)
     26   * `<organization>`: a one-word name for the organization which runs the aggregates which are reporting (e.g. `ExoGENI`)
     27   * `<pop>`: a one-word name for the physical location where your aggregates sit (e.g. `gpolab`)
     28 When you setup your config file in step III, you will also need a few pieces of metadata about your organization and POP.
     30== Steps to configure monitoring submission ==
     32=== I. Prepare to submit authenticated monitoring data to GMOC ===
     34You need to do these steps if you are installing monitoring for the first time.
     36 1. IF you have not yet registered your site to submit data to GMOC, generate a password for automated monitoring data submission to use.  All resources managed by a given set of people use the same credential; you only need to do this step once for your entire site.  '''Note: the password you use for your site registration is a new password generated for the purpose of submitting monitoring data.  Do not reuse any existing passwords from your site.'''
     38 2. Store your site password in a file which monitoring can use.  (The password file location is configurable, but use the default unless you have a reason to do something different):
     40sudo touch /usr/local/etc/monitoring_passwd
     41sudo chown <cronuser> /usr/local/etc/monitoring_passwd
     42sudo chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/monitoring_passwd
     43sudo vi /usr/local/etc/monitoring_passwd
     45 Add exactly one line to this file, containing the monitoring password you want to use for the user `<submission_user>`.
     47 3. Register site credentials: IF you have not yet registered your site to submit data to GMOC, follow the instructions at [wiki:GENIMetaOps/SiteCredentials].
     49=== II. Install the monitoring software ===
     51Do these steps every time you install or upgrade `tango-monitor-gmoc`.
     53==== If you are installing on Ubuntu ====
     55 1. Download the `tango-monitor-gmoc_1.2.12-1_all.deb` package file from [], and copy it onto your reporting host, e.g. into `~/tango-monitor-gmoc_1.2.12-1_all.deb`.
     57 2. Use dpkg to install the local package.  This may fail due to dependencies and say it is leaving the package "unconfigured".  Therefore, invoke apt-get to fix any missing dependencies:
     59sudo dpkg -i ~/tango-monitor-gmoc_1.2.12-1_all.deb
     60sudo apt-get -f install
     63==== If you are installing on CentOS ====
     65 1. Download the `tango-monitor-gmoc-1.2.12-1.noarch.rpm` package file from [], and copy it onto your FOAM host, e.g. into `~/tango-monitor-gmoc-1.2.12-1.noarch.rpm`.
     67 2. Use yum localinstall to install the local package.  This will install the provided file, using your standard yum repositories to find any dependencies:
     69sudo yum --nogpgcheck localinstall ~/tango-monitor-gmoc-1.2.12-1.noarch.rpm
     72=== III. Create required directories and files ===
     74   * `<submission_user>`: a one-word phrase describing your site, which is your username for data submission to GMOC (see step I) (e.g. `ExoGENI-BBN`)
     75   * `<organization>`: a one-word name for the organization which runs your FOAM (e.g. `ExoGENI`)
     76   * `<pop>`: a one-word name for the physical location where your FOAM sits (e.g. `gpolab`)
     78This step needs to be done the first time you install tango-monitor-gmoc-1.2.12-1 or later.
     80 1. Populate the gmoc_monitoring configuration file:
     81   * Create the config file (the file does not contain sensitive information, and may safely be left world-readable):
     85   * Edit the file and make sure to populate all variables (N.B. use single quotes to surround any value containing whitespace):
     87$ cat /usr/local/etc/gmoc_monitoring.conf
     89# GMOC short name which is your username for authenticated monitoring data submission
     92# GMOC short name of organization which manages your aggregate (may be the same as SITENAME if appropriate)
     95# GMOC short name of "POP"/lab where your aggregate is located (may be the same as SITENAME if appropriate)
     98# Primary contact for the organization
     99ORG_PRIMARY_CONTACT_EMAIL=<primary e-mail address for your site, may be an individual address or a group address>
     100ORG_PRIMARY_CONTACT_FIRSTNAME=<a first name associated with that e-mail address>
     101ORG_PRIMARY_CONTACT_LASTNAME=<a last name associated with that e-mail address>
     103# The street address of your POP
     104POPORG_ADDR_STREET='<street address of your POP>'
     105POPORG_ADDR_CITY=<city where your POP is located>
     106POPORG_ADDR_STATE=<state abbreviation of your POP>
     107POPORG_ADDR_POSTCODE=<postal code of your POP>
     109# Some arbitrary name for the street address of your POP
     110POPORG_LOCATION_NAME=<short name of address, should not contain whitespace, e.g. 10_Moulton_St>
     113=== IV. Report site metadata ===
     115Use a reporting script to add your site metadata to GMOC's database:
     117sudo -u <cronuser> /usr/bin/report_site_metadata
     119This should exit successfully with no output.  If any output is reported, contact GMOC or GPO for debugging.
     121''Note: if you change any of the variables in your configuration file later, you will need to run `report_site_metadata` again, to get the changes into GMOC's database.''
     123=== Outcome ===
     125At this point, your host is configured for submission of monitoring data to GMOC.  To submit data for one or more specific GENI aggregates, resources, or slice authorities, install another tango-monitor package for your specific aggregate, or your own custom software which uses