Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TIEDABACCredential

05/17/13 16:35:53 (12 years ago)



  • TIEDABACCredential

    v1 v2  
    1010 * A version element whose content is 2 non-negative integers separated by a period.  No spaces. A major and minor version number.  This page describes version 1.0
    1111 * An expires element whose content defines the last time the credential is valid.  It is in the same format as the [GeniApiCredential GENI privilege credential].
    12  * An rt0 element that includes an encoding of the RT0 rule.  All take the form ''Principal.Attr'' {{{<-}}} ''RHS'' according to the following rules
     12 * An rt0 element that includes an encoding of the RT0 rule.  All take the form Principal.Attr {{{<-}}} RHS according to the following rules
    1313   * Principals are encoded by their Subject Key Identifier - a SHA1 hash fo their public key data.  These are shown in ''italics'' below.
    1414   * Attributes are space-free strings containing alpha-numeric data and underscores.
    1616   * An assignment of an attribute to a set of principals that have an attribute os of the form ''issuer''.role1 <- ''principal''.role2
    1717   * An assignment of an attribute to a set of principals assigned a given arrtibute by a principal with a given linking attribute has the form ''issuer''.role1 <- ''principal''.linking_attribute.role2.  See [wiki:TIEDABACModel here] for examples of this type of role.
    18    * The right side of the assignment may be a conjunction of the various principal types of this form ''issuer''.role0 <- ''principal1''.role1 & ''principal2''.role2
     18   * The right side of the assignment (RHS) may be a conjunction of the various RHS types above, e.g., ''issuer''.role0 <- ''principal1''.role1 & ''principal2''.role2
     20An example abac credential (formatted for display which may invalidate the signature) follows.  Note that the <- in the <rt0> element has been escaped as &lt;-.
     24 <credential xml:id="ref0">
     25  <type>abac</type>
     26  <version>1.0</version>
     27  <expires>2033-05-12T18:33:02Z</expires>
     28  <rt0>f98bec95a3ade2968378bd9ef77104e8f9031ec4.friendly&lt;-3f2531dd349d831a0217907b03f309ebb81a447e</rt0>
     29 </credential>
     30 <signatures>
     31  <Signature xmlns="">
     32   <SignedInfo>
     33    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
     34    <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
     35    <Reference URI="#ref0">
     36     <Transforms>
     37      <Transform Algorithm=""/>
     38     </Transforms>
     39     <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
     40     <DigestValue>DEGT6ENGnJDxSK/KQ98B2lKGn2M=</DigestValue>
     41    </Reference>
     42   </SignedInfo>
     43   <SignatureValue>tDFuWoUimexrKlvnh6ie4fL7EX3NTsOSrry9X3szC9GZwNdxOHaDplwopFD/4/vE
     49   <KeyInfo>
     50    <KeyValue>
     51     <RSAKeyValue>
     52      <Modulus>
     60      <Exponent>
     63     </RSAKeyValue>
     64    </KeyValue>
     65    <X509Data>
     83     <X509SubjectName>CN=A</X509SubjectName>
     84     <X509IssuerSerial>
     85      <X509IssuerName>CN=A</X509IssuerName>
     86      <X509SerialNumber>7315932457414895893</X509SerialNumber>
     87     </X509IssuerSerial>
     88    </X509Data>
     89   </KeyInfo>
     90  </Signature>
     91 </signatures>