Version 2 (modified by 15 years ago) (diff) | ,
GENI Spiral 2
GENI Spiral 2 is the second phase of exploratory rapid-prototyping that will begin to inform technical and operational plans for the envisioned GENI suite of research infrastructure. Spiral 2's primary goal is to begin moving towards continuous experimentation. Key development for this period include improved integration of GENI prototypes; architecture, tools, and services enabling experiment instrumentation, a movement towards interoperability across GENI prototypes, and improved approaches towards researcher identity management. All GENI projects are expected to orient their efforts to make progress towards these goals during this spiral.
GENi spirals last for 12 months. We expect the community’s evolving research agenda, combined with insights and experience from earlier spirals, to set specific goals for future spirals. GENI is being designed and prototyped by the research community, with project management and system engineering provided by the GENI Project Office (GPO). After an open solicitation process and extensive peer reviews, the GPO selects development teams. We expect that a large majority of these teams will continue to participate in subsequent spirals, augmented by additional teams funded by later GPO solicitations. We also anticipate that other projects may join the GENI prototyping effort even if not explicitly funded through GPO solicitations.
Spiral 1's primary goal was to develop, integrate, and attempt to operate very rudimentary, end-to-end working prototypes, as rapidly as possible, then co-evolve them with the community’s evolving research vision. An early, end-to-end working prototype will greatly help the community achieve a shared vision by providing a strawman example for arguments and discussions going forward.
Several new projects are starting in Spiral 2 to fill in several critical “missing pieces,” including: security requirements and architecture, experiment workflow tools and user interfaces, and prototypes for instrumentation and measurement. Additional projects will build upon Spiral 1 achievements to date, including support for international and commercial federations and several early “shakedown” experiments that will prove critical in guiding system design. Finally, we will launch two related types of campus GENI build-outs – using OpenFlow and WiMax technology – with significant commonality in the technologies employed, and significant overlap in the two sets of campuses. The national backbones will both be built out with OpenFlow. In addition, Internet2 will be built out with GENI-enabled commercial routers. Accelerating the roll-out of this rich, interoperable “meso-scale” GENI infrastructure will:
- Create a compelling infrastructure for entirely new forms of network science and engineering experimentation at a much larger scale than has previously been available
- Stimulate broad community participation and “opt in” by early users across 13 major campuses, which can then grow to additional campuses as the build-out progresses, with a strong partnership between researchers and campus infrastructure operators
- Forge a strong academic / industrial base by GENI-enabling commercial equipment from Arista, Cisco, HP, Juniper, and NEC, with software from AT&T Labs and Nicira.
GENI Partners
The following GENI partners are contributing world class engineering and operations expertise, along with handsome donations of bandwidth across their national research networks, to GENI's prototyping, trial integrations, and early operations.
GENI Integration Information
The S1IntInfo page provides links to integration information not covered in the project pages or GPO documents.
GENI Projects
Spiral 2 includes the following projects, organized by their initial control framework groups.
Prototyping project staff are expected to keep the GPO appraised of progress against project milestones. This page has hints on the mechanics of how tickets and milestones work. If you have questions, consult your GPO system engineer.
Design and Prototyping Projects
Cluster B Cluster C Cluster D Cluster E Cluster Integration Info Cluster B wiki Cluster C wiki Cluster D wiki Cluster E wiki Control Framework Projects PlanetLab ProtoGENI
DigitalObjectRegistryORCA ORBIT Network Aggregate Projects Mid-Atlantic Crossroads
GpENIDTunnels BEN Programmable Node Projects EnterpriseGeni
Internet Scale Overlay HostingCMULab
MillionNodeGENIWireless Aggregate Projects CMULab DOME
WiMAXInstrumentation & Measurement
MeasurementSystemEmbedded Real-Time Measurements Experiment Workflow Tools
ProvisioningService (Raven)Security Projects
Meso-Scale Deployment Projects
OpenFlow Meso-Scale Deployment WiMax Meso-Scale Deployments Substrate Prototyping EnterpriseGeni WiMAX Deployments
Cross-Cluster Projects
GENISecurity GENIMetaOps GeniFourYearColleges Data Plane Measurements TIED
Completed Projects
OpticalAccessNets RegionalOptIn
See also
Attachments (1)
GENIS2Ovrvw060310.pdf (4.2 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
GENI Spiral 2 Overview (6/3/10)