
Version 8 (modified by Vic Thomas, 12 years ago) (diff)


GENI Spiral 4

GENI Spiral 4 is the fourth phase of exploratory rapid-prototyping that is defining GENI’s technical and operational plans. Major objectives of this spiral include: (1) Ramping up the number of experimenters using GENI by providing better tools and services including 24x7 support, (2) Growing the scale of GENI by deploying GENI racks and by GENI-enabling campuses using OpenFlow and WiMAX technologies, and (3) creating the first rev of GENI instrumentation and measurement systems.

Project progress tracking: Prototyping project staff are expected to keep the GPO appraised of progress against project milestones. This page has hints on the mechanics of how tickets and milestones work. If you have questions, consult your GPO system engineer.

GENI Meso-Scale Deployments

Campus OpenFlow Deployments

Deployment Notes GENI connectivity
Deployments OF at Clemson University | OF at Rutgers University | OF at Georgia Tech | OF at Indiana University | OF at the University of Wisconsin Madison | OF at University of Washington | OF at Stanford University | OF at Kansas State University | OF at BBN | Colorado University

Backbone Deployments

Deployments Internet2 OpenFlow | National LambdaRail OpenFlow | ProtoGENI backbone nodes | Internet Scale Overlay Hosting (SPP Nodes)

Deployments in Regional Networks

Deployments Quilt
See also Mid-Atlantic Crossroads

WiMax Deployments

Deployment Notes WiMax Deployment Plans | WiMax Platforms
WiMax Kits WiMax Base Station Kits
Deployments Columbia University | Polytechnic University of NY | U. Massachusetts, Amherst | U. of Wisconsin | U. of California, Los Angeles | U. of Colorado, Boulder | BBN Technologies

GENI Rack Deployments

Deployment Notes GENI Rack Requirements | InstaGENI | ExoGENI
Deployments A page for each deployment as they happen

GENI Operations

Operations GENI Meta Ops | Tango GENI | GENI Comprehensive Security Program

GENI Experimenter Support and Experimenter Education

Experimenter Tools & Services Gush | ProtoGENI Tools | NetKarma | Scaffold
Experimenter Help IU Help Desk | Utah Project
GENI-Based Courseware S3Monitor | GENICloud| OSU Sensor Kits | APRA-GENI | Utah Project| UNC Project
See also Raven suite of tools

GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Projects

Meso Scale I&M GEMINI | GIMI | ShadowNet
I&M tools InstTools | S3Monitor | MeasurementSys | VMI-FED | OnTimeMeasure | LEARN | IMF | Digital Object Repository | NetKarma
See also ERM

GENI Security Projects

GENI Security | Comprehensive GENI Security Program | Experiments for Security Analysis | Secure Updates | ABAC | Hive Mind

Experimentation with GENI

Experimenter Support GeniExperiments | Utah Sol. 3 project | IU Sol. 3 project
Spiral 4 Experiments Davis Social Links
EAGER Link to page with list of EAGER experiments
See also Opportunistic Wireless Networks

GENI Control Infrastructure Software Development

Current Projects PlanetLab Federation | ProtoGENI Integration | ORCA Augmentation | ABAC | Stitching
See Also ABAC | Stitching (Sol 3 Max)

GENI Aggregates

Network Aggregates GpENI | BGPMux | CRON | PrimoGENI | BEN | iGENI | LEARN | VMI-FED
Cloud Aggregates GENICloud | DiCloud
See Also Mid-Atlantic Crossroads | CMULab| DOME | ViSE | KanseiSensorNet | OKGems | ORBIT | COGRADIO


Studies Attribution for GENI
See Also GeniFourYearColleges | AttributionForGENI | MPRADIO | InfoSubstrate

Projects With Collaborations, Connectivity, or Resources outside of the US

PLFed | PrimoGENI | GpENI | iGENI

See also