
Version 11 (modified by Adam Slagell, 14 years ago) (diff)


Friends and colleagues,

We're seeing a high level of interest from researchers, regionals, and campus staff who wish to participate in the enhanced GENI meso-scale buildout. To help the community self-organize, we've just created this wiki page to identify those groups who want to help serve as "focus points" in pulling teams together. (These groups may or may not wish to *lead* an effort, but should have an active interest in helping to organize an effort.)

The GPO has seeded this page with a few groups who have told us that they are interested in taking on such a role.

Please feel free to add your own contact information and interests to this wiki page, if you wish to volunteer as one of the focus points, and to contact anyone on the page if you wish to explore the idea of joining a team.

As always, any ideas on how to improve this process will be very welcome.


Chip & Aaron

Name Affiliation Email Interests
Rick McGeer HP Rick McGeer GENI Racks
Ilia Baldine RENCI Ilia Baldine GENI Racks
Nick McKeown
Guru Parulkar
Stanford University
1. Helping to design a GENI rack based on a similar cluster we are building with Google
(standard servers, some with NetFPGA boards. TOR switches based on OpenFlow).
We hope someone else would work with other campuses to help deploy racks on *their* campuses.
2. Helping those campuses who wish to build out and expand their OpenFlow deployments.
3. Figuring out how to get Regionals to deploy OF in their networks.
Max Ott NICTA/WINLAB Instrumentation
Martin Swany U. Delaware Instrumentation and Measurement (using and extending perfSONAR)
Ivan Seskar WINLAB Ivan Seskar WiMax
Robert Ricci Utah Providing ProtoGENI software and APIs for new resources integrating into GENI - for example, the GENI Racks, but we are interested participating in any project that may want to integrate into the ProtoGENI control framework. This participation could take many forms, from providing software and support to doing implementation work
Adam Slagell NCSA/UIUC Adam Slagell Providing operational security expertise to harden the GENI Rack designs against attack; providing incident response to GENI Rack deployments at campuses.