
Version 14 (modified by, 11 years ago) (diff)


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Sign Me Up for the GENI Portal

Welcome to GENI!
This page tells you how to Sign Up for the GENI Portal. The portal is a web interface to the GENI Clearinghouse that manages GENI experimenters, projects and slices. This account will provide you with the right credentials for using the GENI testbed.
Login to GENI

1. Login to the Portal

The GENI Portal leverages InCommon to provide single sign-on authentication. If you are affiliated with a US college or University that is a member of the InCommon federation, simply login using your usual username and password to activate your GENI account. If you are not affiliated with an InCommon federated institution, you may request a GENI-only login.

Check if you can use your Institution's account

If you want to check whether you can use your Institution's account to login:
  • Go to the GENI Portal and press the 'Use GENI' button.
  • Start typing your institution's name and if it is a member it will just show up; select it and press 'Continue'. If it does not appear in the list, read on to the next section.
  • Pressing 'Continue' will transfer you to the familiar Login Page of your institution. Log in to your institution using your usual username and password. If you get an error after you login please send us an email with the error you got.
  • If you successfully login, then follow the instructions in the next page, and press 'Activate'.
    Congratulations, now you have access to the GENI Portal. Now you need to join a GENI project .

If your Institution is not a member of InCommon

If you were not able to login to the GENI Portal through your Institution, you can request a GENI-only account. In order to do that, please fill out the form to request a GENI-only account.

Once you receive an email verifying that we have created an account for you (this may take awhile), you can follow the above instructions but as your Institution use 'GENI Project Office'.

2. Become a member of a GENI Project

Now you should be able to login to the portal. However, in order to run experiments in GENI you would need to join or create a project. If you are:

  • a faculty member
  • or a senior technical member in a company or a university

you can become a Project Lead and create your own projects.

Everyone else should join a project created by a Project Lead. You can ask any of your collaborators that fit the above criteria to create a project for you to join.

2a. Join a GENI Project

After a project is created, you can try and join the project. In order to do that, do the following:

Create a GENI Project
  1. In the Home tab click the Join Project button.
  2. From the list of projects find the one that was created for you or your class and click the Join button.
    Please make sure you select the right name.

2b. Create a GENI Project

A GENI account has no privileges outside of a Project; i.e. as long as you are not a member of a GENI Project you can not use any GENI resources. In GENI only Project Leads can create Projects. Any faculty member, or a person in a corresponding position in industry, can request to become a Project Lead and thus have the capability of creating GENI Projects.

Create a GENI Project
  1. In the first page of the portal, press the button Ask to be a Project Lead.
  2. In the Modify Account page that follows, fill in your telephone number; this is necessary for people that want to become Project Leads. Be sure the box at the bottom of the page that says Make me a 'Project Lead' is checked, and press the Modify Account button.
  3. Wait until you receive an email that your request has been approved.
  • In the ''Projects'' tab click the Create New Project button.
  • Fill in the form.
    NOTE: The expiration field is optional; you should complete it if you are creating a Project for a class or a tutorial and want the project and experiments to expire. If you are creating a Project for your own research you don't have to fill in this field.
  • Press the Create Project button.
  • Add members to your Project

    When you create a new project for your class you can invite other people to join your project.

    Create a GENI Project
    1. From the Project page press the button Invite New Project Members.
    2. Fill in the form using both email addresses and press the Invite button.
    3. Check your email for the request that someone joined your project and follow the instructions to add them to your project. You can decide if this person should be an Admin or a Member. The Admin has the same privileges within a project as a Project Lead (invite people, approve join requests).

    Now what?

    Congratulations! You have your GENI credentials and you're good to go. Start with trying this simple Layer 2 example.

    The portal is still under development and we would love to hear your feedback!