Version 1 (modified by 15 years ago) (diff) | ,
Project Number
Project Title
Scalable, Extensible, and Safe Monitoring of GENI
a.k.a. S3MONITOR
Technical Contacts
Principal Investigator Sonia Fahmy
Sub-contractor Puneet Sharma
Participating Organizations
Department of Computer Science
Purdue University
305 N. University St.,
West Lafayette, IN 47907
HP Labs
1501 Page Mill Rd.
Palo Alto, CA 94304
GPO Liason System Engineer
Vic Thomas
This effort will develop a prototype shared measurement service based on the existing S3 service, integrate it with ProtoGENI and deploy it for GENI experimenter's use. This shared measurement service will emphasize scalability and safety to best utilize network resources associated with measurements. The project will also analyze GENI privacy and security requirements for measured data, and prototype the service to address appropriate requirements in each development spiral. The project will collaborate with related GENI measurement and security projects (e.g. University of Wisconsin's Instrumentation and Measurement for GENI) on a common GENI instrumentation and measurement architecture.
Current Capabilities
BRIEF descriptions of resources/functions/tools that are available to anyone in the GENI community
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.a Plan for measurement system on ProtoGENI)? Software design document
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.b Sensor pod implementation for a single ProtoGENI node)? Initial version of sensor pod implementation for a single ProtoGENI node
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.c Demonstration)? Demonstration of measurement system at GEC
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.d V0.1 release)? V0.1 of measurement system
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.e V0.2 release)? V0.2 of measurement system released for use by ProtoGENI experimenters
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.f Demonstration 2)? Demonstration of measurement system at GEC
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.g Evaluation report)? Report on evaluation of measurement system
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.h V0.3 release)? V0.3 of measurement system released for use by ProtoGENI experimenters
MilestoneDate(S3MONITOR: S2.i V1.0 Spec)? Specification for measurement system V1.0
Project Technical Documents
Links to wiki pages for the project's technical documents go here. List should include any document in the working groups, as well as other useful documents. Projects may have a full tree of wiki pages here.
Quarterly Status Reports
Spiral 2 Connectivity
Links to wiki pages about details of infrastrcture that the project is using (if any). Examples include IP addresses, hostnames, URLs, DNS servers, local site network maps, VLANIDs (if permanent VLANs are used), pointers to public keys. GPO may do first drafts of any of these and have the PI correct them to bootstrap. May also include ticket links for pending or known connectivity issues. Many projects will have a full tree of wiki pages here.
Related Projects
Includes non-GENI projects.
Attachments (14)
- design.pdf (396.5 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
GEC7-demo-poster.pdf (1.9 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
Poster describing GEC7 demo.
genireview.ppt (481.5 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
Sprial 2 review slides
GEC9-demo-poster.pdf (1.0 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
poster shown during GEC9 demo session
paper.pdf (263.5 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
S3 performance evaluation v1.0
gec11-onepage.pdf (155.0 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
Poster for GEC11
s3specs.pdf (377.3 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
Specifications and Integration Plan
lab.pdf (31.1 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
Plan for courseware
demo-subtitles.mp4 (6.9 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
Demo of sensor pods integrated with InstrumentationTools
demo-subtitles-small.mp4 (2.6 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
Demo of sensor pods integrated with InstrumentationTools (2.6 MB)
gec14.pdf (295.0 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
Slides for "NSF Workshop on Designing Tools and Curricula for Undergraduate Courses in Distributed Systems"
tcp-geni.pdf (126.3 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
Assignment on Congestion Control Performance
openflow-geni.pdf (208.8 KB) - added by 12 years ago.
Assignment on Flow Management with OpenFlow
ccnx-geni.pdf (202.6 KB) - added by 11 years ago.
Assignment on Content-Centric Networking