
Version 68 (modified by, 12 years ago) (diff)


Regionals Status

This page captures status for each regional and core network GENI deployment, and the status of new GENI Racks with layer2 data plane connections in 2012. Table shows network installation dates--availability to users may lag. Last Update: July 25, 2012

Peformer State Regional Core Vendor Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Southern Light Rail GA SoX I2 NEC Color(green, Georgia Tech)? GaTech, Clemson, GENI int & test GaTech, Clemson, GENI int & test
National Lambda Rail TX N/A NLR Brocade (w/HP6600) postponed postponed postponed Color(green, El Paso)?
University of Utah UT UEN I2 HP postponed due to experiment request postponed due to experiment request Color(green, Eccles)?
University of Utah UT UEN I2 HP Color(green, Downtown)?
University of Kansas KS KanREN I2 Brocade postponed Color(green, KU-KanREN)?
University of Kansas KS KanREN I2 Brocade postponed Color(green, Kansas City)?
University of Kansas KS Great Plains Network I2 Brocade postponed Color(green, KU-GpENI)?
CENIC CA CENIC NLR Brocade Color(green, Sacramento)? GENI int & test GENI int & test
CENIC CA CENIC NLR Brocade Color(green, Los Angeles)? GENI int & test GENI int & test
CENIC CA CENIC NLR Brocade Color(green, Sunnyvale)? GENI int & test GENI int & test
Indiana U/MOXI IL CIC I2 HP postponed postponed Color(green, Chicago OmniPoP)?
Indiana U/MOXI IN Indiana I2 HP postponed postponed Color(green, Indiana)?
Indiana U/MOXI MI MERIT I2 HP postponed postponed Color(green, MERIT)?
HP Labs (InstaGENI) UT UEN I2 HP Color(green, U Utah)? GENI test GENI test
HP Labs (InstaGENI) NJ TBD TBD HP postponed postponed Color(orange, Princeton)?
HP Labs (InstaGENI) MA NOX I2 + NLR HP postponed postponed Color(orange, GPO)?
HP Labs (InstaGENI) IL MREN I2 + NLR HP postponed postponed Color(orange, Northwestern)?
HP Labs (InstaGENI) SC SOX I2 HP postponed postponed Color(green, Clemson)?
HP Labs (InstaGENI) GA SOX I2 HP postponed postponed Color(green, Georgia Tech)?
HP Labs (InstaGENI) KS TBD TBD HP Color(green, U Kansas)?
HP Labs (InstaGENI) NY Direct (also NYSERNET) I2 HP Color(green, NYU)?
RENCI (ExoGENI) MA NOX I2 + NLR IBM Color(green, GPO)? GENI test
RENCI (ExoGENI) NC NCREN I2 + NLR IBM Color(green, RENCI)? GENI test
RENCI (ExoGENI) NC BEN I2 + NLR IBM Color(green, Duke*)?
RENCI (ExoGENI) FL FLR NLR IBM Color(green, Florida International U)?
RENCI (ExoGENI) TX LEARN NLR IBM Color(green, U of Houston)?
RENCI (ExoGENI) N/A N/A TBD IBM Color(green, NICTA*)?
Status Legend Description
Color(green,OK)? no major issues, or done
Color(orange,delayed)? making progress, expect to miss milestone
Color(red,blocked)? unable to make progress
site name includes "*" non-standard configuration


Rough steps for install

Each regional develops their own installation and test plan, which roughly follows these steps. The ExoGENI and InstaGENI projects also develop their own installation and test plans. Contact the regional or project lead directly for more details.

  • Install hardware
    • Rack the switch
    • Power up the switch
    • Ensure OpenFlow firmware is installed
    • Configure switch
  • Set up the control plane connectivity
    • Ensure that a control plane exists between the OpenFlow switch and the FlowVisor machine
    • Ensure that the FlowVisor has a publicly accessible IP (FlowVisor initiates outbound TCP connections to experimenter's controllers)
    • Ensure that a control plane exists between the FlowVisor and the FOAM (note that these two pieces of software can be installed on the same machine)
    • Ensure that the FOAM installation is publicly accessible (Inbound TCP connections to port 3626 needs to be accessible to GENI experimenters)
  • Set up FOAM and FlowVisor
  • Coordinate with the GPO for FOAM testing
  • Coordinate data plane connection and testing
    • Set up a connectivity test interface attached to the OpenFlow deployment
    • Coordinate I2 and/or NLR core network connections
      • Before actually establishing a connection, open a GMOC ticket to track data plane connection and testing
      • Coordinate with the GMOC on the date for connection and testing
      • Coordinate data plane connectivity testing with GPO and GMOC using GMOC ticket
    • Coordinate other data plane connections(e.g. MREN, other regionals, campuses)
      • Before actually establishing an additional remote connection, open a GMOC tracking ticket
      • Coordinate with the GMOC on the date for connection and testing
      • Coordinate data plane connectivity testing with all providers (e.g. MREN, other regional), GPO and GMOC using GMOC ticket
      • Perform minor amounts of throughput testing
  • Set up monitoring
  • Work with GMOC to complete monitoring, mailing list, and emergency contact handoff procedures for your site. When the procedures are complete, the GMOC begins 24x7 monitoring, tracking and dispatching questions and events that involve your site.
  • Review the GENI Aggregate Provider Agreement. Indicate via email to the GPO your intent to abide by the agreement.
  • Complete an Aggregate Information GENI wiki page (see template) for your site, which will be automatically linked here. This lets experimenters know how to request and use your OpenFlow connections in GENI.
  • Complete a GENI OpenFlow experiment with at least two other GENI aggregates.


Physical install and optical tests complete. OpenFlow network testing in progress.

current open GENI tickets (This link produces a report that may be empty if there are no open tickets. Click on ticket summary link for a particular ticket in the report to see more detail on a ticket.)

network diagram


current open GENI tickets (This link produces a report that may be empty if there are no open tickets. Click on ticket summary link for a particular ticket in the report to see more detail on a ticket.)

NLR OpenFlow core diagram (high level)

NLR OpenFlow core diagram (showing FrameNet switches and circuits)

Utah Education Network (UEN)

The Utah Education Network (UEN) Overview wiki page gives the full overview of the project and connectivity with the state of Utah for various InstaGENI racks. This infrastructure interconnects the ProtoGENI/Emulab/Flux research and the InstaGENI racks to the national GENI OpenFlow infrastructure.

The UEN GENI/ProtoGENI Rack connectivity in both PNG and Visio formats:


Project received and installed first year Brocade switches (copper interfaces for KU GpENI cluster and KU KanREN attachment, SFP fiber capabilities for the KanREN-GPN-I2 PoP at 1100 Grand in Kansas city). GpENI machines have been designated for OpenFlow controllers. FOAM, FlowVisor and integration with NDDI, GENI meso-scale networks, and PlanetLab hosts (myPLC in GpENI and other PlanetLab machines outside Kansas) is in process.

KanREN OpenFlow Deployment.pdf


Physical install complete. OpenFlow testing in progress.

network diagram

current open GENI tickets (This link produces a report that may be empty if there are no open tickets. Click on ticket summary link for a particular ticket in the report to see more detail on a ticket.)

MOXI (CIC/Indiana University/MERIT)

Physical installation and FOAM, FlowVisor, monitoring installations complete. Testing underway. current open GENI tickets (This link produces a report that may be empty if there are no open tickets. Click on ticket summary link for a particular ticket in the report to see more detail on a ticket.)

Network diagrams and information can be found at the respective aggregate information pages.

MOXI OpenFlow Aggregate Information Page

MOXI-Indiana OpenFlow Aggregate Information Page?


Testing with Utah underway. Site installations delayed due to contracts/ordering delays.

InstaGENI Overview. General network diagrams available.


Testing with BBN and RENCI underway.

ExoGENI Overview. No network diagrams available.

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