[[PageOutline]] = Standing Run 019 = This was the nineteenth of a series of standing runs, and it only lasted a few hours, because it was a training exercise for a GPO employee. In this run, we randomized hostpairs, and we dropped fiu-eg, uh-eg, and gpo-ig for various operational reasons. It ran on 2014-04-22 for a few hours; the logs, graphs, and various other files, are at http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/plastic-slices/continuation/standing-019/. That directory has six subdirectories: * 00ssh_config: SSH config fragments defining SSH aliases to use as hostnames, mapping those hostnames to the control interface on the corresponding host (or IP address) and port. * 00hosts: /etc/hosts style files mapping dataplane IP addresses to hostnames. * 00logins: Lists of the hostnames in each slice. * logs: The raw logs. * pngs: Graphs of the data in the logs. * rrds: RRD files used to create the graphs from the logs. Those "hostnames" are used in the tables below as well. {{{ #!html

Everything below this point was automatically generated by the script that manages the other aspects of the slice configuration.
