
Version 7 (modified by Aaron Helsinger, 11 years ago) (diff)


There are two set of instructions below.

Users who had the portal generate their user certificate, should follow these instructions.

Users who used a CSR to generate their user certificate, should follow these instructions.

For users who had the portal generate their user certificate

Action needed to use Omni

For your convenience, the following is an expanded version of the instructions found on the portal in the section "Option 1: Automatic omni configuration" on the Profile page:

  1. Make sure you are running omni 2.3.1 or later.
    1. To determine the version of an existing omni installation, run:
             $ --version
    2. If necessary, update to Omni 2.3.1
      1. Download the software:
      2. Install the software:
  1. Download a new omni bundle (this will contain your certificate and

other files needed for configuring omni).

  1. Browse and login to the new portal:
    1. Use the same login information you used previously on the old portal
    2. Be sure to select which project you would like to be the default for running experiments in GENI. You can always change the project that is used with the -r command line option of Omni.
  2. Download and save the bundle at:
  1. Configure omni using distributed with omni:

  1. Test omni:
       	$ -a ig-gpo getversion
    The output should look similar to this:

Congratulations! You're done.

Action needed to use other outside tools

  1. Download a new certificate at the GENI Experimenter Portal
    1. Browse and login to the new portal:

Use the same login information you used previously on the old portal

  1. Download the certificate
  1. Point your tool at the new user certificate

For users who used a CSR to generate their user certificate

Action needed to generate a new certificate

  1. Create a new certificate at the GENI Experimenter Portal
    1. Browse and login to the new portal:
      • Use the same login information you used previously on the old portal
    2. Follow the instructions to create a certificate
  2. Point your tool at the new user certificate
    1. If you are using omni, please following the instruction below in "Action needed to use Omni".
    2. If you are using another tool,
      1. Download the certificate
      2. Use the new user certificate with your tool

Action needed to use Omni

For your convenience, the following is an expanded version of the instructions found on the portal in the section "Option 1: Automatic omni configuration" on the Profile page:

  1. Make sure you are running omni 2.3.1 or later.
    1. To determine the version of an existing omni installation, run:
             $ --version
    2. If necessary, update to Omni 2.3.1
      1. Download the software:
      2. Install the software:
  1. Download a new omni bundle (this will contain your certificate and

other files needed for configuring omni).

  1. Browse and login to the new portal:
    1. Use the same login information you used previously on the old portal
    2. Be sure to select which project you would like to be the default for running experiments in GENI. You can always change the project that is used with the -r command line option of Omni.
  2. Download and save the bundle at:
  1. Configure omni using distributed with omni:

  1. (Optional) You may find it helpful to clear the passphrase from your cert/key:
  1. Test omni:
       	$ -a ig-gpo getversion

The output should look similar to this:

Congratulations! You're done.