= The External Check Datastore = == External Check Overview == The configuration will list the external datastores that collectors can get data from. In particular, the following URL is provided for a collector to get started at an external check datastore: This call returns information about what checks are run by this external check store: * List of aggregate control planes this external check monitors * List of data plane experiments this external check has {{{ https://externalcheckstore.gpolab.bbn.com/info/externalcheck/gpo }}} Here is an example response: {{{ { "$schema": "http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/externalcheck#", "id": "gpo", "selfRef": "https://externalcheckstore.gpolab.bbn.com/info/externalcheck/gpo", "ts": 1397762559284773, "measRef: "https://externalcheckstore.gpolab.bbn.com/data/", "experiments": [ { "href": "https://externalcheckstore.gpolab.bbn.com/info/experiment/missouri_ig_to_gpo_ig" } ], "monitored_aggregates": [ { "id": "gpo-ig", "href": "https://datastore.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com/info/aggregate/gpo-ig" }, { "id": "rci-eg", "href": "https://rci-hn.exogeni.net/ops-monitoring/info/aggregate/rci-eg" }, { "id": "utah-ig", "href": "https://datastore.utah.geniracks.net:5001/info/aggregate/utah-ig" } ] } }}} === Data about a monitoring experiment === Operational monitoring measures the dataplane with a set of simple tests between aggregates described using [http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/monitoringexperiment# the operational monitoring experiment schema]. Examples: Hypothetical REST call for missouri-ig to gpo-ig experiment: {{{ https://externalcheckstore.gpolab.bbn.com/info/experiment/missouri_ig_to_gpo_ig }}} Response: {{{ { "$schema": "http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/experiment#", "id": "missouri-ig_to_gpo-ig", "selfRef": "https://externalcheckstore.gpolab.bbn.com/info/experiment/missouri_ig_to_gpo_ig", "slice_urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+ch.geni.net:gpo-infra+slice+tuptyexclusive", "slice_uuid": "8c6b97fa-493b-400f-95ee-19accfaf4ae8", "ts": 1391192685740849, "source_aggregate": { "urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+instageni.missouri.edu+authority+cm", "href": "https://datastore.instageni.missouri.edu/info/aggregates/missouri-ig" }, "destination_aggregate": { "urn": "urn:publicid:IDN+instageni.gpolab.bbn.com+authority+cm", "href": "https://datastore.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com/info/aggregates/gpo-ig" } }}} == The External Check Datastore part in Monitoring the Control and Data Planes == This page describes how monitoring data about more than one aggregate or about the control plane (reaching aggregates) is handled by the distributed operational monitoring architecture. {{{ #!html
Architectural Highlight of a Collector and a Local Datastore
}}} == Example time-series data calls == === Aggregate is_available Check === Here is an example call to the external check datastore for checking if the different aggregates are available: {{{ https://externalcheckdatastore.gpolab.bbn.com/data/?q={"filters":{"eventType": ["ops_monitoring:is_available"],"ts":{"gte":1391192225475202,"lt":1391192225480000},"obj":{"type":"aggregate","id":["gpo-ig","utah-ig","rci-eg"]}}}} }}} {{{ [ { "$schema": "http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/data#", "id": "is_available:gpo-ig", "subject": "https://datastore.instageni.gpolab.bbn.com/info/aggregate/gpo-ig", "eventType": "ops_monitoring:is_available", "description": "Is aggregate manager responsive", "units": "boolean", "tsdata": [ { "ts": 1391198716651283, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198776651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198836651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198896651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198956651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391199016651285, "v": 1 } ] } , { "$schema": "http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/data#", "id": "is_available:utah-ig", "subject": "http://datastore.utah.geniracks.net:5001/info/aggregate/utah-ig", "eventType": "ops_monitoring:is_available", "description": "Is aggregate manager responsive", "units": "boolean", "tsdata": [ { "ts": 1391198716651283, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198776651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198836651284, "v": 0 }, { "ts": 1391198896651284, "v": 0 }, { "ts": 1391198956651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391199016651285, "v": 1 } ] } , { "$schema": "http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/data#", "id": "is_available:rci-eg", "subject": "https://rci-hn.exogeni.net/ops-monitoring/info/aggregate/rci-eg", "eventType": "ops_monitoring:is_available", "description": "Is aggregate manager responsive", "units": "integer", "tsdata": [ { "ts": 1391198716651283, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198776651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198836651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198896651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391198956651284, "v": 1 }, { "ts": 1391199016651285, "v": 1 } ] } ] }}} === Dataplane Ping Check === Here is an example call to the external check datastore for checking dataplane ping times in a monitoring experiment: {{{ https://externalcheckdatastore.gpolab.bbn.com/data/?q={"filters":{"eventType": ["ops_monitoring:ping_rtt_ms"],"ts":{"gte":1391192225475202,"lt":1391192225480000},"obj":{"type":"experiment","id":["missouri-ig_to_gpo-ig","utah-ig_to_gpo-ig","missouri-ig_to_utah-ig"]}}}} }}} {{{ [ { "$schema": "http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/data#", "id": "ping_rtt_ms:missouri-ig_to_gpo-ig", "subject": "https://datastore.externalchecks.geni.net/info/experiment/missouri-ig_to_gpo-ig", "eventType": "ops_monitoring:ping_rtt_ms", "description": "RTT for ping between aggregates in the dataplane", "units": "milliseconds", "tsdata": [ { "ts": 1391198716651283, "v": 50.6 }, { "ts": 1391198776651284, "v": 52.1 }, { "ts": 1391198836651284, "v": 40.6 }, { "ts": 1391198896651284, "v": 154.8 }, { "ts": 1391198956651284, "v": 120.9 }, { "ts": 1391199016651285, "v": 120.0 } ] } , { "$schema": "http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/data#", "id": "ping_rtt_ms:utah-ig_to_gpo-ig", "subject": "https://datastore.externalchecks.geni.net/info/experiment/utah-ig_to_gpo-ig", "eventType": "ops_monitoring:ping_rtt_ms", "description": "RTT for ping between aggregates in the dataplane", "units": "milliseconds", "tsdata": [ { "ts": 1391198716651283, "v": 50.6 }, { "ts": 1391198776651284, "v": 52.1 }, { "ts": 1391198836651284, "v": 40.6 }, { "ts": 1391198896651284, "v": 154.8 }, { "ts": 1391198956651284, "v": 120.9 }, { "ts": 1391199016651285, "v": 120.0 } ] } , { "$schema": "http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/monitoring/schema/20140501/data#", "id": "ping_rtt_ms:missouri-ig_to_utah-ig", "subject": "https://datastore.externalchecks.geni.net/info/experiment/missouri-ig_to_utah-ig", "eventType": "ops_monitoring:ping_rtt_ms", "description": "RTT for ping between aggregates in the dataplane", "units": "milliseconds", "tsdata": [ { "ts": 1391198716651283, "v": 50.6 }, { "ts": 1391198776651284, "v": 52.1 }, { "ts": 1391198836651284, "v": 40.6 }, { "ts": 1391198896651284, "v": 154.8 }, { "ts": 1391198956651284, "v": 120.9 }, { "ts": 1391199016651285, "v": 120.0 } ] } ] }}}