
Version 1 (modified by Josh Smift, 12 years ago) (diff)


Upgrading to FOAM 0.8 from FOAM 0.6 involves a database conversion; here's an end-to-end procedure for upgrading and testing.

Get before state:

rm -rf ~/tmp/foam-upgrade
mkdir -p ~/tmp/foam-upgrade/before
cd ~/tmp/foam-upgrade/before

foamctl list-slivers --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd > list-slivers-active.txt
foamctl list-slivers --deleted --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd > list-slivers-deleted.txt

egrep '(email|desc|slice_urn|sliver_urn)' list-slivers-active.txt | sort > list-slivers-active-cooked.txt
egrep '(email|desc|slice_urn|sliver_urn)' list-slivers-deleted.txt | sort > list-slivers-deleted-cooked.txt

Update the apt sources entry to 'deb lucid/stable/all/'.

Make sure it's available:

sudo apt-get update
apt-cache show foam | grep "^Version"

Do what says:

cp /opt/foam/db/foam.db ~/foam.db.bak
cp /opt/foam/db/foam.db /tmp/foam.db
sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes foam
sudo service foam restart
sudo service nginx restart | tee ~/foam-db-convert.log

At the end of, it'll prompt you for a new admin password. You can use the same thing as you had before (e.g. the one in /opt/foam/etc/foampasswd, if you had it stashed there) -- it's just that it got reset to 'admin' when the new 0.8.x database was created.

Note that is importing deleted slivers, so if e.g. experimenters created and deleted slivers in the same slice repeatedly, you may see a bunch of what looks like duplicates. The slice URNs may be the same, but the sliver URNs should be different.

Get "after" state:

rm -rf ~/tmp/foam-upgrade/after
mkdir -p ~/tmp/foam-upgrade/after
cd ~/tmp/foam-upgrade/after

foamctl geni:list-slivers --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd > list-slivers-active.txt
foamctl geni:list-slivers --deleted --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd > list-slivers-deleted.txt

egrep '(email|desc|slice_urn|sliver_urn)' list-slivers-active.txt | sort > list-slivers-active-cooked.txt
egrep '(email|desc|slice_urn|sliver_urn)' list-slivers-deleted.txt | sort > list-slivers-deleted-cooked.txt

Diff the results:

for file in *cooked.txt ; do diff -u ../before/$file $file ; done

Check for any other exceptions:

grep -i exception /opt/foam/log/foam.log

You can also look through ~/foam-db-convert.log if you want to see what all it did, skim for anything unusual, etc. Not essential, if you feel happy.