Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of OpenFlow/FOAM/Testing

04/26/12 16:31:45 (12 years ago)
Josh Smift



  • OpenFlow/FOAM/Testing

    v8 v9  
    122122NOTE: Do the [wiki:OpenFlow/FOAM/Testing#Creation Creation] section immediately before starting this section.
     124NOTE: This section is not really compatible with FOAM 0.7, which auto-approves the sliver. We need to reconsider what to do as a simple test here.
    124126The steps in this section look at a newly-created sliver, approve it, confirm that it shows up in the FlowVisor, delete it, and confirm that it vanishes from the FlowVisor.
    213215NOTE: Do the [wiki:OpenFlow/FOAM/Testing#Creation Creation] section immediately before starting this section.
     217NOTE: These tests assume that the default auto-approval settings are active, and that the test sliver's flowspace will be auto-approved.
    215219The steps in this section look at a newly-created sliver, run through a sequence of approve/disable/reject actions to confirm that it can transition from any of those states to the others, and check the FlowVisor after each change; then delete the sliver, and confirm that it vanishes from the FlowVisor.
    229 Show the sliver, and confirm that 'status' is "Pending":
    231 {{{
    232 foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd
    233 }}}
    235 Confirm that the sliver doesn't yet show up in FlowVisor:
    237 {{{
    238 fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename
    239 }}}
    241 (Expect a "slice does not exist" error; and likewise every time you do a "confirm that the sliver doesn't show up in FlowVisor" step below.)
     233Confirm that the sliver was auto-approved: Check that 'status' is "Approved", and that the sliver shows up in FlowVisor, with two flowspace rules:
     236ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd
     237ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename
     238ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename
     241(Ignore warnings saying that it can't connect to the sliver's controller, if any; and likewise every time you confirm that the sliver shows up in Flowvisor below.)
    243243Add a temporary cron job to tell FOAM to generate e-mail with a list of pending slivers:
    249 (Within a minute (when the cron job fires), that should generate e-mail to the FOAM admin with a list of pending slivers, including your test sliver; and a message to gpo-ops saying that the cron job ran.)
     249(Within a minute (when the cron job fires), that should generate a message to gpo-ops saying that the cron job ran, and one of two other things will happen: (a) If there are *other* pending slivers, it should generate a message to the FOAM admin listing only those slivers, and not your test sliver; OR (b) If there are no other pending slivers, it should not send any message about pending slivers to the FOAM admin.)
     251Disable the sliver, to put it back into the pending queue:
     254foamctl geni:disable-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd
     257(That should generate a "sliver disabled" e-mail message, one to the experimenter and one to the FOAM admin.)
     259Confirm that 'status' is now "Pending", and that the sliver now does not show up in FlowVisor, and has no flowspace rules:
     262foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/opt/foam/etc/foampasswd
     263fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename
     264fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor/fvpasswd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename
     267(Expect a "slice does not exist" error for the getSliceInfo step; and likewise every time you do a "confirm that the sliver doesn't show up in FlowVisor" step below.)
     269Add a temporary cron job to tell FOAM to generate e-mail with a list of pending slivers:
     272sudo sh -c "echo $(date +'%M %H' -d 'now + 1 min') '* * *  www-data  /opt/foam/bin/daily-queue ; echo foamtest cron job ran at $(date)' > /etc/cron.d/foamtest"
     275(Within a minute (when the cron job fires), that should generate a message to gpo-ops saying that the cron job ran; and e-mail to the FOAM admin with a list of pending slivers, including your test sliver.)
     277Clean up the cron job:
     280sudo rm /etc/cron.d/foamtest
     283This next set of tests will generate a bunch of e-mail; check at the end that it all showed up as expected.
    251285Approve the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Approved", and confirm that the sliver now shows up in FlowVisor, with two flowspace rules:
    260 (Don't worry about the ouptut saying that it can't connect to the controller; this is expected if your rspec didn't include a controller that's actually running, which the example one doesn't. Likewise every time you confirm that the sliver shows up in Flowvisor below.)
    262 (That should generate a "sliver approved" e-mail message, one to the experimenter and one to the FOAM admin.)
    264 Add a temporary cron job to tell FOAM to generate e-mail with a list of pending slivers:
    266 {{{
    267 sudo sh -c "echo $(date +'%M %H' -d 'now + 1 min') '* * *  www-data  /opt/foam/bin/daily-queue ; echo foamtest cron job ran at $(date)' > /etc/cron.d/foamtest"
    268 }}}
    270 (Within a minute (when the cron job fires), either (a) if there were other slivers in the previous mail, that should generate a message to the FOAM admin listing only those slivers, and not your test sliver, or otherwise (b) not send any message to the FOAM admin; and a message to gpo-ops saying that the cron job ran.)
    272 Clean up the cron job:
    274 {{{
    275 sudo rm /etc/cron.d/foamtest
    276 }}}
    278 This next set of tests will generate a bunch of e-mail; check at the end that it all showed up as expected.
    280294Disable the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Pending", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in FlowVisor, and has no flowspace rules:
    343 That set of tests should generate seven e-mail messages to the experimenter and seven to the FOAM admin: There should be a "sliver disabled" message, then "sliver rejected", then approved, rejected, disabled, approved, and deleted. Probably in that order, although e-mail is sometimes delivered out of sequence, so don't worry too much if they're not in order.
     357That set of tests should generate eight e-mail messages to the experimenter and eight to the FOAM admin: There should be a "sliver approved" message, then "sliver disabled", then "sliver rejected", then approved, rejected, disabled, approved, and deleted. Probably in that order, although e-mail is sometimes delivered out of sequence, so don't worry too much if they're not in order.
    345359== Expiration ==