Changes between Version 42 and Version 43 of OpenFlow/FOAM/Testing

06/22/13 01:41:30 (11 years ago)
Josh Smift

Replaced some automation with some actual commands, to make this more accessible


  • OpenFlow/FOAM/Testing

    v42 v43  
    33= Testing FOAM =
    5 NOTE that all the foamctl commands on this page now use the new 0.8 syntax. If you want an older version, with the 0.6 syntax, try instead.
    7 NOTE that we've steadily increased the extent to which these tests are automated, by scripts that are currently GPO-only. We're working on making them public, but in the meanwhile, this page may not be as useful for non-BBN sites.
    95This page describes a couple of ways to test FOAM:
    25  * You're set up to use Omni in general, and have it in your path as 'omni', i.e. you've successfully used Omni to reserve GENI resources (and have the latest version of the software, a user credential signed by a CA that's trusted by the FOAM server you intend to test, a working omni_config file, etc).
    26  * You have a valid request rspec file to test with. We plan to make some sample rspecs available.
    27  * You can log in non-interactively to the FOAM and FV servers, and have admin privs there, and have the FOAM and fvadmin password stored in files (/etc/foam.passwd and /etc/flowvisor.passwd). (This generally can't be used as-is to test FOAM at other sites.)
    28  * You know what output to expect when common things succeed. (Expected output is described here only in cases where an error is the expected result, or where it otherwise might not be obvious; if you think the expected output isn't obvious for any given step, let us know.)
    29  * The URL of the FOAM server is also a name that you can use to log in to it. (Very likely, but might be untrue with virtualhosts or some other odd thing.)
    30  * On the FOAM server you're testing, when you create a sliver, it will be automatically approved. (More specifically, that geni.openflow.analysis-engine = True (analyze slivers for overlap), and geni.approval.approve-on-creation = 2 (approve slivers at creation time if they don't fail any overlap-analysis tests), and the test sliver's rspec describes a flowspace that will pass overlap analysis.)
     21 * You're set up to use Omni in general, and have it in your path as 'omni', i.e. you've successfully used Omni to reserve GENI resources (and have the latest version of the software, a user credential signed by a CA that's trusted by the FOAM server you intend to test, a working omni_config file which sets a default project, etc).
     22 * You have a valid request rspec file to test with, which will be auto-approved on your FOAM server, and result in two !FlowVisor flowspace rules. We plan to make some sample rspecs available.
     23 * You can log in non-interactively to the FOAM and FV servers, and have admin privs there, and have the FOAM and fvadmin password stored in files (/etc/foam.passwd and /etc/flowvisor.passwd). (This requirement means that these tests generally can't be used as-is to test FOAM at sites other than your own.)
     24 * You know what output to expect when common things succeed. (Expected output is described here only in cases where an error is the expected result, or where it otherwise might not be obvious; if you think the expected output isn't obvious for any given step, let us know so we can update the docs.)
     25 * The hostname part of the URL of the FOAM server is also a name that you can use to log in to it. (Very likely, but might be untrue with virtualhosts or some other odd thing.)
    3126 * On the FOAM server you're testing, when the 'www-data' user runs a cron job that has output, it sends mail to 'www-data', and you can receive this mail.
    32  * On the FOAM server you're testing, you have the foam-confirm-sliver, flowvisor-confirm-fvslice-exists, and flowvisor-confirm-flowspace-rule-count scripts. (These are currently GPO-only; GPO folks, they're in the syseng repo, under gposw.)
    33  * On the system where you're running commands, you have the foam-create-and-verify-sliver script.
    35 Note that the scripts mentioned in the last two items are currently GPO-only. (GPO folks, they're in the syseng repo, under gposw.)
    3728You can run most of these tests wherever you usually use Omni; they don't need to run on the FOAM/FV server, except as noted below.
    62 rspec=~/rspecs/request/foam-testing/rspecs/$foamserver/openflow-mac-acedcodefood.rspec
    63 }}}
    65 Set the slicename to something with your username and "foamtest":
     56Set the slicename to be your username plus "foamtest":
    71 Set the full slice URN (modify this if you're not using as your Slice Authority), and a version of it for handing off to egrep later:
    73 {{{
     62Set the full slice URN (modify this if you're not using as your Slice Authority), and a version of it for handing off to egrep later:
     65default_project=$(grep '^default_project' ~/.gcf/omni_config | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}')${default_project}+slice+$slicename
    7567slice_urn_egrep=$(echo $slice_urn | sed -e 's/+/\\+'/g)
    92 rspec=~/rspecs/request/foam-testing/rspecs/$foamserver/openflow-mac-acedcodefood.rspec
     86default_project=$(grep '^default_project' ~/.gcf/omni_config | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}')${default_project}+slice+$slicename
    9588slice_urn_egrep=$(echo $slice_urn | sed -e 's/+/\\+'/g)
    9689omni -a $am getversion
    10295This subsection runs creates a sliver, and runs through a sequence of approve/disable/reject/delete actions to confirm that it can transition from any of those states to the others, and checks the FlowVisor after each change to confirm that the sliver is or isn't enabled (as appropriate).
    104 Create and verify the sliver:
    106 {{{
    107 foam-create-and-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $am $slicename $rspec approved true 2
     97Create the slice and sliver:
     100omni createslice $slicename >& /dev/null
     101omni -a $am createsliver $slicename $rspec >& /dev/null
    110104(That should generate a "sliver created" and a "sliver approved" e-mail message, one of each to the experimenter and one of each to the FOAM admin.)
    112 Get the sliver URN from FOAM, and put it into $sliver_urn:
     106Get the sliver URN from FOAM, and put it into $sliver_urn; and deduce the FV slicename from that:
    115109sliver_urn=$(ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:list-slivers --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | egrep sliver_urn.+$slice_urn_egrep | sed -e 's/ *"sliver_urn": "\(.*\)".*/\1/')
     110fv_slicename=$(echo $sliver_urn | awk -F : '{print $NF}')
     113Confirm that the FOAM sliver's 'status' is now "approved", and confirm that the sliver shows up in !FlowVisor, and has two flowspace rules:
     116ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"status": "approved"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     117ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null || echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with non-zero status"
     118[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "2" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
    124127(Within a minute (when the cron job fires), that should generate a message to www-data saying that the cron job ran, and one of two other things will happen: (a) If there are *other* pending slivers, it should generate a message to the FOAM admin listing only those slivers, and not your test sliver; OR (b) If there are no other pending slivers, it should not send any message to the FOAM admin about pending slivers.)
    126 Disable the sliver (to put it back into the pending queue), confirm that 'status' is now "Pending", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
     129Disable the sliver (to put it back into the pending queue), confirm that 'status' is now "Pending", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in !FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
    129132ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:disable-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd
    130 foam-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $sliver_urn status pending false 0
     133ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"status": "pending"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     134ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null && echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with zero status"
     135[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "0" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
    149154This next set of tests will generate a bunch of e-mail; check at the end that it all showed up as expected.
    151 Approve the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Approved", and confirm that the sliver now shows up in FlowVisor, with two flowspace rules:
     156Approve the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Approved", and confirm that the sliver now shows up in !FlowVisor, with two flowspace rules:
    154159ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:approve-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd
    155 foam-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $sliver_urn status approved true 2
    156 }}}
    158 Reject the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Rejected", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
     160ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"status": "approved"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     161ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null || echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with non-zero status"
     162[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "2" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
     165Reject the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Rejected", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in !FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
    161168ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:reject-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd
    162 foam-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $sliver_urn status rejected false 0
    163 }}}
    165 Disable the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Pending", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
     169ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"status": "rejected"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     170ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null && echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with zero status"
     171[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "0" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
     174Disable the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Pending", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in !FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
    168177ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:disable-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd
    169 foam-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $sliver_urn status pending false 0
    170 }}}
    172 Reject the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Rejected", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
     178ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"status": "pending"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     179ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null && echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with zero status"
     180[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "0" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
     183Reject the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Rejected", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in !FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
    175186ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:reject-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd
    176 foam-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $sliver_urn status rejected false 0
    177 }}}
    179 Approve the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Approved", and confirm that the sliver now shows up in FlowVisor, with two flowspace rules:
     187ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"status": "rejected"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     188ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null && echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with zero status"
     189[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "0" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
     192Approve the sliver, confirm that 'status' is now "Approved", and confirm that the sliver now shows up in !FlowVisor, with two flowspace rules:
    182195ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:approve-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd
    183 foam-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $sliver_urn status approved true 2
    184 }}}
    186 Delete the sliver, confirm that 'deleted' is now "True", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
     196ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"status": "approved"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     197ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null || echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with non-zero status"
     198[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "2" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
     201Delete the sliver, confirm that 'deleted' is now "true", and confirm that the sliver now does not show up in !FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules:
    189204ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:delete-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd
    190 foam-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $sliver_urn deleted true false 0
     205ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"deleted": "true"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     206ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null && echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with zero status"
     207[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "0" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
    199216In this subsection, we explicitly identify how many e-mail messages of each type we expect to receive after each run of the expiration scripts, since those notifications are what we're testing here, not just a side effect. The sliver-related ones from FOAM should be sent to the sliver owner and to the FOAM admin; the cron job confirmations should be sent to the user that the cron job runs as ('www-data' in these examples).
    201 Create and verify the sliver:
    203 {{{
    204 foam-create-and-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $am $slicename $rspec approved true 2
     218Create the slice and sliver:
     221omni createslice $slicename >& /dev/null
     222omni -a $am createsliver $slicename $rspec >& /dev/null
    207225(That should generate a "sliver created" and a "sliver approved" e-mail message, one of each to the experimenter and one of each to the FOAM admin.)
    209 Get the sliver URN from FOAM, and put it into $sliver_urn:
     227Get the sliver URN from FOAM, and put it into $sliver_urn; and deduce the FV slicename from that:
    212230sliver_urn=$(ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:list-slivers --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | egrep sliver_urn.+$slice_urn_egrep | sed -e 's/ *"sliver_urn": "\(.*\)".*/\1/')
     231fv_slicename=$(echo $sliver_urn | awk -F : '{print $NF}')
     234Confirm that the FOAM sliver's 'status' is now "approved", and confirm that the sliver shows up in !FlowVisor, and has two flowspace rules:
     237ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"status": "approved"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     238ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null || echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with non-zero status"
     239[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "2" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"
    330357(Within a minute (when the cron job fires), expected e-mail: 0 "sliver expiring", 1 "sliver expired", and confirmation that the cron job ran.)
    332 Confirm that the sliver was deleted, does not show up in FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules::
    334 {{{
    335 foam-verify-sliver -q $foamserver $fvserver $sliver_urn deleted true false 0
     359Confirm that the sliver was deleted, does not show up in !FlowVisor, and has zero flowspace rules::
     362ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:delete-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd
     363ssh $foamserver foamctl geni:show-sliver -u $sliver_urn --passwd-file=/etc/foam.passwd | grep -q -i '"deleted": "true"' || echo "ERROR: Wrong FOAM status"
     364ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd getSliceInfo $fv_slicename >& /dev/null && echo "ERROR: fvctl exited with zero status"
     365[ $(ssh $fvserver fvctl --passwd-file=/etc/flowvisor.passwd listFlowSpace | grep $fv_slicename | wc -l) == "0" ] || echo "ERROR: Didn't get the expected number of FV flowspace rules"