| 115 | |
| 116 | A sample OTCDemo.rspec file is: |
| 117 | {{{ |
| 118 | <rspec type="request" generated_by="Flack" generated="2012-02-16T18:42:42Z" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3 http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3/request.xsd" xmlns:flack="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/flack/1" xmlns:client="http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/ext/client/1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3"> |
| 119 | <node client_id="ROOT" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+authority+cm" exclusive="true"> |
| 120 | <sliver_type name="raw-pc"> |
| 121 | <disk_image name="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//FEDORA8-64-OVZ-UPD"/> |
| 122 | </sliver_type> |
| 123 | <services> |
| 124 | <execute command="sudo sh /tmp/ontime_software_install.sh otm_slice_password" shell="sh"/> |
| 125 | <install install_path="/tmp" url="http://ontime.oar.net/INSTALL/OTCRootInstall.tgz" file_type="tar.gz"/> |
| 126 | </services> |
| 127 | <flack:node_info x="138" y="68" unbound="true"/> |
| 128 | </node> |
| 129 | <node client_id="NODE1" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+authority+cm" exclusive="true"> |
| 130 | <sliver_type name="raw-pc"> |
| 131 | <disk_image name="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//UBUNTU10-STD"/> |
| 132 | </sliver_type> |
| 133 | <services> |
| 134 | <execute command="sudo sh /tmp/ontime_software_install.sh" shell="sh"/> |
| 135 | <install install_path="/tmp" url="http://ontime.oar.net/INSTALL/OTCNodeInstall.tgz" file_type="tar.gz"/> |
| 136 | </services> |
| 137 | <flack:node_info x="34" y="162" unbound="true"/> |
| 138 | </node> |
| 139 | <node client_id="NODE2" component_manager_id="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+authority+cm" exclusive="true"> |
| 140 | <sliver_type name="raw-pc"> |
| 141 | <disk_image name="urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//UBUNTU10-STD"/> |
| 142 | </sliver_type> |
| 143 | <services> |
| 144 | <execute command="sudo sh /tmp/ontime_software_install.sh" shell="sh"/> |
| 145 | <install install_path="/tmp" url="http://ontime.oar.net/INSTALL/OTCNodeInstall.tgz" file_type="tar.gz"/> |
| 146 | </services> |
| 147 | <flack:node_info x="238" y="162" unbound="true"/> |
| 148 | </node> |
| 149 | </rspec> |
| 150 | }}} |
| 151 | |
| 152 | The RSpec file specifies three nodes. |
| 153 | |
| 154 | One node has name ROOT. It will automatically download {{{http://ontime.oar.net/INSTALL/OTCRootInstall.tgz}}} into {{{/tmp}}} folder and run Root Beacon installation command {{{"sudo sh /tmp/ontime_software_install.sh otm_slice_password"}}}. |
| 155 | |
| 156 | ('''Note:''' You can replace "otm_slice_password" with your own password. The password will be needed to use OnTimeMeasure later in this tutorial. (i.e., you should use the same password for config.yaml file in [wiki:OnTimeMeasureTutorial#a3.1ConfigIPaddressandpassword section 3.1] and database password in [OnTimeMeasureTutorial#a4.2Configuration section 4.2])) |
| 157 | |
| 158 | The other two nodes have name NODE1 and NODE2 respectively. They will automatically download {{{http://ontime.oar.net/INSTALL/OTCNodeInstall.tgz}}} into {{{/tmp}}} folder and run Node Beacon installation command {{{"sudo sh /tmp/ontime_software_install.sh"}}}. |
286 | | "task_manage.py" manages the measurement tasks (i.e., requests). Edit measurement.yaml to configure tasks. |
287 | | |
288 | | '''NOTE:''' You may need to modify the node names if you are not using node1, node2, etc. as node names) |
| 334 | "task_manage.py" manages the measurement tasks (i.e., requests). Edit measurement.yaml to configure tasks. For details, please reference [wiki:OTM-Control#a4.2Managemeasurementtasks OnTime Control User Manual] |
| 335 | |
| 336 | '''NOTE:''' You may need to modify the node names if you are not using node1, node2, etc. as node names |