Version 65 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Project Number
Project Title
OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Orchestration Software
a.k.a. OnTimeMeasure
Technical Contacts
Principal Investigator Prasad Calyam, Prasad Calyam
Co-PI Paul Schopis,
POC for Response and Escalation Group:
Prasad Calyam
Phone: 614-292-8107
Email: Prasad Calyam
Participating Organizations
Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet
1224 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212
GPO Liaison System Engineer
Vic Thomas
This effort provides GENI with an on-demand measurement service used in forecasting, anomaly detection, and fault-location diagnosis in GENI experiments and GENI operations. The on-demand measurement service will be integrated into the ProtoGENI control framework and GENI operations (GMOC). The project will deploy a prototype measurement service to support operations and early experimenters use in the first year, and will revise the service in each development spiral to improve services and integration, based on GENI community feedback. The project will also analyze GENI privacy and security requirements for measured data, and prototype service to address appropriate requirements in each development spiral. The project will collaborate with related GENI measurement and security projects (e.g. University of Wisconsin's Instrumentation and Measurement for GENI) on a common GENI instrumentation and measurement architecture. The option years are for possible refinement and integration of OnTimeMeasure into the ProtoGENI control framework and tools.
Current Capabilities
OnTimeMeasure measurement service is now available to users of ProtoGENI/Emulab and PlanetLab aggregates. Users can submit measurement requests, control the measurement service, and query measurement data within ProtoGENI and PlanetLab slices spanning geographically distributed sites within the GENI facility.
OnTimeMeasure has also been integrated with other GENI projects: InsTools and CRON
To start using OnTimeMeasure, please register and follow instructions presented at the researcher web-portal -
For details, please refer to - Tutorial Slides and Tutorial Videos; Wikis with Install Instructions:OnTimeMeasure-ProtoGENI, OnTimeMeasure-PlanetLab, OnTimeMeasure-Gush, OnTimeMeasure-CRON, OnTimeMeasure-InsTools, OnTime Control
Integration with other projects:
OnTimeMeasure-ProtoGENI, OnTimeMeasure-PlanetLab - I&M service for GENI aggregate users
OnTimeMeasure-Gush - I&M service control through Experimenter workflow tool
OnTimeMeasure*-INSTOOLS - Both active* and passive measurements in experiment slice
OnTimeMeasure-CRON - I&M service for 10Gbps network path experiments
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S2.a: OnTimeMeasure for ProtoGENI design v 1.0)? {High-level design document}.
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S2.b: PoC for response and escalation group)? Identify person who can respond to queries from GENI Operations and take action in case of an incident.
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S2.c: Platform setup for OnTimeMeasure-GENI)? Platform setup for “OnTimeMeasure-GENI” V1.0 s/w development, testing and deployment.
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S2.d: Demo at GEC)? Demonstration of basic OnTimeMeasure-GENI functionality
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S2.e: OnTimeMeasure-GENI available to early experimenters)? V1.0 OnTimeMeasure release for early experimenters
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S2.f: Report on experiences)? Experiences with implementing and using OnTimeMeasure on ProtoGENI {ProtoGENI Experiences} {PlanetLab Installation} {InsTools Integration}
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S2.g: Validation and refinements to OnTimeMeasure-GENI service)? System and documentation updates
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S3.a Demonstrate OnTimeMeasure with ProtoGENI and PlanetLab sites)?
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S3.b Release a software version of OnTimeMeasure that can function across multiple aggregates)?
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S3.c Integrate OnTimeMeasure measurement service with experimenter workflow tools such as GUSH)?
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S3.d Demonstrate the use of OnTimeMeasure within a simple GENI Experiment)?
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S3.e Demonstrate the use of OnTimeMeasure within a GENI experiment that utilizes multiple GENI tools/services)?
MilestoneDate(OnTime: S3.f Release a software version of OnTimeMeasure that is integrated with other GENI software tools/services)?
Project Technical Documents
- Calyam, W. Mandrawa, C. Hartley, P. Schopis, High-level Design Document of “OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Software”, December 2009.
- Calyam, “Use-cases for GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Architecture Design”, June 2010.
- Calyam, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Installation Procedure on ProtoGENI”, July 2010.
- Calyam, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Project Experiences with using ProtoGENI in Spiral 2”, August 2010.
- Calyam, R. Patali, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Installation Procedure on PlanetLab”, August 2010.
- Calyam, R. Patali, “OnTimeMeasure Early Integration Efforts with Instrumentation Tools”, August 2010.
- Calyam, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Early Integration Efforts with CRON 10Gbps Testbed”, November 2010.
GEC7 Demo Poster
GEC8 Demo Poster
- Calyam, “!OnTimeMeasure Hands-on Tutorial”, GEC10 Experimenter Track, March 2011.
- Calyam, “!OnTimeMeasure-Gush Integration Design and User Workflow”, Presentation at the Selected Project Highlights, GEC10, March 2011.
- Calyam, “OnTimeMeasure User Tutorial”, Presentation at the 3rd GENI I&M Workshop, GEC9, November 2010.
S-J. Park, P. Calyam, “Federating CRON with OnTimeMeasure”, Presentation at the COMIS Working Group, GEC9, November 2010.
- Calyam, “OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Orchestration Software”, Status Report at Cluster C Breakout Session at GEC9, November 2010.
- Calyam, “OnTimeMeasure Spiral 2 Project Review”, Presentation at the GENI I&M-2 Project Reviews Call, August 2010.
- Calyam, “OnTimeMeasure Tutorial for Early Experimenters”, Presentation at the Cluster C Call, June 2010.
- Calyam, and W. Mandrawa, “ProtoGENI User Feedback - OnTimeMeasure Project Experiences”, GENI Engineering Conference 7 Cluster C Session, Durham, March 2010.
- Calyam, “How should an active measurement service operate within an experimenter's slice (encompassing Internet2 backbone resources) in the GENI facility?”, Winter ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs Conference, Salt Lake City, February 2010.
- Calyam, “OnTimeMeasure Software High Level Design”, Presentation at the Cluster C Call, January 2010.
- Calyam, “OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Orchestration Software”, Short presentation at Instrumentation and Measurement Working Group meeting at GEC6, November 2009.
- Calyam, “OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Orchestration Software”, Short presentation at Cluster C Breakout Session at GEC6, November 2009.
Quarterly Status Reports
March 2011 report
November 2010 report
June 2010 report
March 2010 report
December 2009 report
Spiral 2 Connectivity
Related Projects
Instrumentation Tools
Measurement System
Scalable Monitoring
Data Plane Measurements
Attachments (23)
ProtoGENI_UserFeedback_031710.pdf (48.6 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
ProtoGENI User Feedback (OnTimeMeasure Project Experiences)
GEC7-OnTimeMeasureGENI-Poster.pdf (2.4 MB) - added by 15 years ago.
GEC7 Demo Poster
GIMA_Design_UseCases.pdf (60.4 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
Use-cases for GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Architecture Design (Draft for Discussion)
OnTimeMeasureLogo.jpg (35.6 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
OnTimeMeasure Logo
GEC8-OnTimeMeasureGENI-Poster.pdf (998.1 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
GEC8 Demo Poster
OnTimeMeasure_Spiral2_ProjectReview.pdf (157.7 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
OnTimeMeasure Spiral 2 Project Review Slides
CRON-OnTimeMeasure-GEC9-COMIS.pdf (587.4 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
OnTimeMeasure and CRON 10G Testbed Integration
OnTimeMeasure_ClusterC_110210.pdf (1.2 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
GEC9 Cluster C OnTimeMeasure Status Report
OnTimeMeasure-GENI_HLD_Dec09.pdf (499.6 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
High-level Design Document of OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Software (Revised March 2011)
OnTimeMeasure_Tutorial.pdf (1.9 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
OnTimeMeasure User Tutorial
OnTimeMeasure-GUSH-Integration_012111.pptx (403.9 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
Gush integration (design)
OnTimeMeasure-GUSH-Integration_012111.2.pptx (403.9 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
Gush integration (design)
OnTimeMeasure-GUSH-Integration_012111.3.pptx (403.9 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
Gush integration (design)
OnTimeMeasure_GEC11-Poster.pdf (624.8 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
GEC11 Demo Poster
OnTimeMeasure_GEC12-Poster.pdf (644.2 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
GEC12 Demo Poster
OnTimeMeasure-VDCloud.pdf (1.7 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
Paper on OnTimeMeasure Framework, and Integration in Virtual Desktop Cloud GENI Experiment
OnTimeMeasure_GEC13-Poster.pptx (2.1 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
GEC13 Demo Poster
OTM-Flack-Design_022212.pdf (1.0 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
OnTimeMeasure Integration with Flack Design
VDC-GENI-Expt-GEC13.pdf (1.0 MB) - added by 13 years ago.
GREE12 Paper on Virtual Desktop Cloud Experiments in GENI
lamp_perfsonar_osu-experiments-013112.pdf (126.9 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
Experiments with LAMP for Deployment of Infrastructure Measurement Slices
OnTimeMeasure_GEC14-Poster.pptx (2.1 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
GEC14 Demo Poster
adv-manufacturing-gree13.pdf (1.1 MB) - added by 11 years ago.
GREE13 Paper on Advanced Manufacturing Experiments in GENI with OnTimeMeasure
OnTimeMeasure_GEC15-Poster.pptx (4.6 MB) - added by 11 years ago.
GEC15 Poster - OnTimeMeasure and VMLab Integration