Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of OmniSetupGEC9Demos

10/07/10 17:13:31 (14 years ago)
Mark Berman

Initial version


  • OmniSetupGEC9Demos

    v1 v1  
     1= Quick HOWTO =
     2== Installing omni and reserving resources ==
     4Omni is the command line client for using the GENI AM API to reserve resources. It comes as part of the 'gcf' software package. These
     5are quick instructions for installing omni and using it to reserve resources.
     7Note: This is a quick version tailored to reserving resources for GEC9 plenary demos.  For more on using omni and the GENI common API, there's additional documentation at [].
     9 1. You'll need a linux box with python 2.6, gcf is not python 3 compatible.
     10 2. Download a copy of GCF 1.1, the GENI reference control framework software.
     11 You can get it from [].  Unpack into
     12 a convenient directory, <gcf>.
     13 3. Check the INSTALL.txt file, and install the required packages.  Do not follow the instructions for setting up your omni_config file.  We'll do that later.
     14 Shortcut for selected distributions:
     15  * Debian/Ubuntu:
     17sudo apt-get install python-m2crypto python-dateutil \
     18                     python-pyopenssl libxmlsec1 xmlsec1 \
     19                     libxmlsec1-openssl libxmlsec1-dev
     21  * !RedHat/Fedora:
     23sudo yum install m2crypto python-dateutil pyOpenSSL xmlsec1 \
     24                 xmlsec1-devel xmlsec1-openssl xmlsec1-openssl-devel
     26 4. Download your ssl certificate.
     27  * Log into the Emulab interface of the GPO ProtoGENI: []  If you don't know have an account, the POC for your demo should be able to approve a new account.  Check with him/her or Mark, Niky, or Chaos if you need additional information (like the project name you should use when requesting an account).
     28  * Select the "Profile" tab.
     29  * If you haven't generated an SSL cert for the GPO ProtoGENI installation before, choose "Generate SSL Cert" from the menu at left, and follow the instructions.  Remember your passphrase, you'll need it later.
     30  * Choose "Download your SSL Cert" from the menu on the left.  Choose PEM format, and save the file somewhere convenient, like <~/.ssl/gpo-pgeni.pem>.
     31  * Optional:  If you find yourself getting tired of typing your SSL cert passphrase (you'll need to type it multiple times for each omni command below), you may wish to create an unencrypted copy.  You can use the commands below, but please show appropriate care.
     33openssl rsa -in ~/.ssl/gpo-pgeni.pem -out ~/.ssl/gpo-pgeni-cleartext.pem
     34openssl x509 -in ~/.ssl/gpo-pgeni.pem >> ~/.ssl/gpo-pgeni-cleartext.pem
     35chmod 400 ~/.ssl/gpo-pgeni-cleartext.pem
     37 5. Generate an RSA public/private key pair for yourself.  If you already have one that you want to reuse, fine.  If not, you can make one with this command:
     41 You'll need the public key file in the next step.
     42 6. Configure omni with your user information.
     43  * Rename the sample omni configuration file that came with the distribution.
     45cd <gcf>
     46mv omni_config omni_config.orig
     48  * Download the GEC9 demo omni configuration file attached below, and place it under your home directory as ~/.gcf/omni_config
     49  * Find your user URN with this command (using the file where you saved your SSL cert above).
     51openssl x509 -noout -text -in <~/.ssl/gpo-pgeni.pem> | grep 'urn:publicid'
     53 It should look something like:
     57   * Edit the omni_config file, making these changes:
     58    * In the users section, change the urn to match yours from above.
     59    * In the users section, change the keys entry to point to your SSH public key file (see above).
     60    * In the frameworks section, change '''both''' the cert entry and the key entry to point to <~/.ssl/gpo-pgeni.pem> or whatever name you chose for your downloaded SSL cert above.  (If you made an unencrypted version in step 4 above, point there instead.)
     61 7. Test your omni installation and configuration.  In <gcf>:
     63src/ listresources -a
     65 You'll need to provide the passphrase you used when generating your SSL cert
     66 You should get back an XML blob that looks more like a list of resources than like an error message.
     67 8. Create an rspec.  These are different for different resource types.  GPO will help you put one together.  A sample one-node ProtoGENI rspec is attached below.  If you use it, you'll need to replace "pcX" with your assigned resource.  You may also want to change the OS that is loaded on your box.
     69For sample Open Flow rspecs and tips on creating one, see .
     71 9. Create a slice.
     73src/ createslice <myslicename>
     75 10. Extend the lifetime of the slice.
     77src/ renewslice <myslicename> 20101108T15:00:00Z
     79 11. Create a sliver and reserve the resources identified in your rspec.
     81src/ createsliver -a -n <myslicename> <rspecfile>
     83  * The -n flag says you're providing a native mode rspec, in this case using ProtoGENI's rspec format.
     84  * The -a flag says which aggregate manager (AM) you're asking to provide resources.  Other AMs include:
     85   * GPO ProtoGENI
     86   * Utah ProtoGENI
     87   * Kentucky ProtoGENI
     88  Note that for Open Flow resources, after creating the RSpec, you must 'opt in' the traffic.
     89  Contact the GPO for help with this, and see this site [] for an explanation.
     90 12. Check whether your resources are ready.
     92src/ sliverstatus -a <myslicename>
     94 It may take several minutes to set things up.
     95 13. You're good to go.  Log in and use your resources.  The public key(s) you generated above and listed in the user section of your omni_config file are installed on the reserved machines.  You log in via ssh using the corresponding private key.  When you want to give your resources back:
     97src/ deletesliver -a <myslicename>