
* GENI PLANNING GROUP DOCUMENTS ARE NO LONGER CURRENT. See GpoDoc and the GENI project pages for up-to-date documents and specifications. *

Conceptual Design: Project Execution Plan

David D. Clark, Scott Shenker (Chairs), Aaron Falk (Ed), "GENI Research Plan," GENI Design Document 06-28, Research Coordination Working Group, April 2007.

Aaron Falk, "GENI System Requirements Document (SRD)," GENI Design Document 07-46, April 2007.

Larry Peterson (Ed), "GENI Facility Design," GENI Design Document 07-44, GENI Planning Group, April 2007.

John Wroclawski (Ed), "GENI Facility Construction Plan," GENI Design Document 07-45, GENI Planning Group, April 2007.

Community Workshop Reports

Tom Anderson, Larry Peterson, Scott Shenker, Jonathan Turner (Eds), "Report of NSF Workshop on Overcoming Barriers to Disruptive Innovation in Networking," GENI Design Document 05-02, January 2005.

Daniel J. Blumenthal, John E. Bowers, Craig Partridge (Eds), "Report of NSF Workshop on Mapping a Future for Optical Networking and Communications," GENI Design Document 05-03, July 2005.

Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Mario Gerla (Eds), "Report of NSF Workshop on New Architectures and Disruptive Technologies for the Future Internet: The Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Network Perspective," GENI Design Document 05-04, August 2005.

Steven M. Bellovin, David D. Clark, Adrian Perrig, Dawn Song (Eds), "Report of NSF Workshop on A Clean-Slate Design for the Next-Generation Secure Internet," GENI Design Document 05-05, July 2005.

Frans Kaashoek, Barbara Liskov, David Andersen, Mike Dahlin, Carla Ellis, Steve Gribble, Anthony Joseph, Hank Levy, Andrew Myers, Jeff Mogul, Ion Stoica, Amin Vahdat , "Report of the NSF Workshop on Research Challenges in Distributed Computer Systems," GENI Design Document 05-06, December 2005.

Lui Sha, Ashok Agrawala (Eds), Tarek Abdelzaher, Christopher D. Gill, Raj Rajkumar, John A Stankovic (Authors), "Report of NSF Workshop on Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems Research in the Context of GENI," GENI Design Document 06-32, September 2006.

KC Claffy, Mark Crovella, Timur Friedman, Colleen Shannon, Neil Spring, "Community-Oriented Network Measurement Infrastructure (CONMI) Workship Report," GENI Design Document 06-40, December 2005.

Project Execution Plan (Jan 2006)

GENI Planning Group, "GENI: Conceptual Design, Project Execution Plan," GENI Design Document 06-07, January 2006.

Research Plan

David D. Clark, Scott Shenker (Chairs), Aaron Falk (Ed), "GENI Research Plan," GENI Design Document 06-28, Research Coordination Working Group, September 2006.

Larry Peterson (Ed), "Facility Usage Scenarios," GENI Design Document 06-41, GENI Planning Group, December 2006. Design Principles

Design Principles

Larry Peterson (Ed), "GENI Design Principles," GENI Design Document 06-08, GENI Planning Group, March 2006 (updated August 2006).

Facility Design

  • Architectural Overview

Larry Peterson, John Wroclawski (Eds), "Overview of the GENI Architecture," GENI Design Document 06-11, Facility Architecture Working Group, September 2006.

Thomas Anderson and Michael Reiter, "GENI Facility Security," GENI Design Document 06-23, Distributed Services Working Group, September 2006.

Paul Barford (Ed), "GENI Instrumentation and Measurement Systems (GIMS) Specification," GENI Design Document 06-12, Facility Architecture Working Group, September 2006.

Ted Faber (Ed), "GENI System Glossary," GENI Design Document 06-35, Facility Architecture Working Group, November 2006.

Ted Faber (Ed), "Engineering Guidelines," GENI Design Document 06-38, Facility Architecture Working Group, December 2006.

Larry Peterson, Aaron Klingaman, Steve Muir, "Management Authority: Reference Implementation," GENI Design Document 06-39, Facility Architecture Working Group, December 2006.

John Wroclawski, "Using the Component and Aggregate Abstractions in the GENI Architecture," GENI Design Document 06-42, Facility Architecture Working Group, December 2006.

GMC Spec
Ted Faber (Ed), "GMC Specifications," Facility Architecture Working Group, September 2006.

  • Component Networks
  • Wireless

Joe Evans, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Sanjoy Paul, "Overview of Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Networks in GENI," GENI Design Document 06-14, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Sanjoy Paul, "Requirements Document for Management and Control of GENI Wireless Networks," GENI Design Document 06-15, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Wade Trappe, Wenyuan Xu, "Requirements Document for Security of GENI Wireless Networks," GENI Design Document 06-16, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Sanjoy Paul, Srini Seshan, "Virtualization and Slicing of Wireless Networks," GENI Design Document 06-17, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Mario Gerla, "Urban Vehicular Networks in GENI," GENI Design Document 06-18, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Ramesh Govindan, John Heidemann, Matt Welsh, Deborah Estrin, "Sensor Networks in GENI," GENI Design Document 06-19, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Joe Evans, Gary Minden, Ed Knightly, "Cognitive Radio Networks in GENI," GENI Design Document 06-20, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Chip Elliott, "System Engineering Document for Wireless Subnets," GENI Design Document 06-21, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Ramesh Govindan, "Wireless and Sensor Experiments," GENI Design Document 06-22, Wireless Working Group, September 2006.

Sanjoy Paul, Sachin Ganu, Pandurang Kamat, Elizabeth Belding Royer, "Requirements for Wireless GENI Experiment Control and Management," GENI Design Document 07-43, Wireless Working Group, March 2007.

  • Backbone

Jonathan Turner, "A Proposed Architecture for the GENI Backbone Platform," GENI Design Document 06-09, March 2006.

Andy Bavier, Jack Brassil, Marc E. Fiuczynski (Eds), "GENI Component: Reference Design," GENI Design Document 06-13, Facility Architecture Working Group, September 2006.

Sampath Rangarajan, Jennifer Rexford (Eds), "Backbone Software Architecture," GENI Design Document 06-25, Backbone Working Group, September 2006.

Dan Blumenthal and Nick McKeown, "Backbone Node: Requirements and Architecture," GENI Design Document 06-26, Backbone Working Group, November 2006.

Jennifer Rexford, "GENI Topology Design," GENI Design Document 06-27, Backbone Working Group, September 2006.

Jennifer Rexford (Ed), "GENI Backbone Run-Time Software for Experimenters," GENI Design Document 06-36, Backbone Working Group, November 2006.

David A. Maltz, Zheng Cai, T. S. Eugene Ng, Hemant Gogineni, Hong Yan, Hui Zhang, "Meta-Management System for GENI," GENI Design Document 06-37, Backbone Working Group, December 2006.

T.V. Lakshman, Jennifer Rexford (Eds), "Life of a Packet within a GENI Experiment," GENI Design Document 07-47, Backbone Working Group, April 2007.

  • Services

Thomas Anderson, Amin Vahdat (Eds), "GENI Distributed Services," GENI Design Document 06-24, Distributed Services Working Group, September 2006.

Project Management

Dean Casey, Terry Benzel (Eds), "GENI Work Breakdown Structure," GENI Design Document 06-29, Project Management Team, September 2006 (based on PEP of January 2006)

Dean Casey, Terry Benzel (Eds), "WBS: Guidelines for Completion," GENI Design Document 06-30, Project Management Team, September 2006.

Larry Peterson, Dean Casey (Eds), "Project Development Plan: Readiness Stage," GENI Design Document 06-33, GENI Planning Group, October 2006.

Dean Casey, Terry Benzel, Robert Carman, John Wroclawski, "GENI Project Office: Reference Design & Requirements," GENI Design Document 06-34, Project Management Team, October 2006.


Tom Anderson, Larry Peterson, Scott Shenker, Jonathan Turner, "Overcoming the Internet Impasse Through Virtualization," GENI Design Document 05-01, April 2005.

Jim Basney, Roy Campbell, Himanshu Khurana, Von Welch, "Towards Operational Security for GENI," GENI Design Document 06-10, July 2006.

Andy Bavier, Nick Feamster, Mark Huang, Larry Peterson, Jennifer Rexford, "In VINI Veritas: Realistic and Controlled Network Experimentation," GENI Design Document 06-31, September 2006.

GENI Design Documents Bibliography


Additional Information

Please see this page for additional information regarding the old GENI Planning Group.

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on 04/30/09 14:23:08

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