__Risk Reduction & Prototyping Solicitation !#1__:: The GENI Project Office periodically solicits proposals for design and development. The first solicitation was issued on December 17, 2007. Large proposals were due February 15, 2008. More information can be found at the [http://www.geni.net/GS01/GS01.html GENI Project Office site]. __IPR Policy__:: The GENI Project Office Intellectual Property rules for technologies developed for GENI may be found [http://www.geni.net/office/office_IP.html here]. __GEC!#2__:: The second GENI Engineering Conference was held on March 3-4, 2008 at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia. There was also a special newcomer's session on Sunday March 2 at 6pm. The meeting agenda and presentations can be found http://www.geni.net/GEC2/GEC2.html.