
OnTimeMeasure Installation Procedure on PlanetLab

Prasad Calyam, Yingxiao Xu, Rohit Patali, Kunpeng Zhu
Mar 08, 2011

1. Overview

This document describes the installation, configuration and usage of OnTimeMeasure on PlanetLab. OnTimeMeasure is a measurement service for the GENI facility users. The measurement service can be used to perform centralized and distributed orchestration and provisioning of measurements within experiment slices for purposes such as:

  • Network paths monitoring
  • Network weather forecasting
  • Network performance anomaly detection
  • Network-bottleneck fault-location diagnosis

The 'OnTimeMeasure researcher web-portal' enables a PlanetLab user to register, instrument and monitor experiment slices on geographically distributed resources.

Before proceeding further, we highly recommend reading the Experimenter Tutorial.

For details regarding OnTimeMeasure, please visit OnTimeMeasure Wiki.

For details regarding PlanetLab, please visit PlanetLab Wiki

2. Requirements

The OnTimeMeasure software package has the following requirements:

  1. Operating System: Fedora 8 or Ubuntu10
  1. Open Ports: For RootBeacon server: MySQL TCP/3306, Graphite TCP/2003 and TCP/17280, Collector TCP/7777, HTTP TCP/17290, Supervisor TCP/17291; For NodeBeacon server: Nodescheduler TCP/17249, HTTP TCP/17290, Supervisor TCP/17291 (Note: These ports are opened by default)
  1. User Accounts: User must have registered accounts in the OnTimeMeasure Researcher Web-portal and PlanetLab.
  1. PlanetLab slice: A PlanetLab slice with at least 3 nodes.

Note 1: PlanetLab slice can be created using the web interface by logging into your account or by using the sfi-client (CLI). To obtain detailed information about PlanetLab slice creation, please refer to the 'PlanetLab Tutorial'

Note 2: Typically, two or more Node Beacons and one Root Beacon need to be installed on separate dedicated nodes in a slice; it is however possible to install Root Beacon on one of the Node Beacon nodes.

Note 3: Following are the pre-requisite software and Perl modules, which will be installed automatically by the scripts delivered in the OnTimeMeasure release package.

Pre-requisite Software: Iperf, MySQL, Graphite, Perl, Python, Ruby, Python-setuptools, Supervisor

Perl Modules: Config::Natural, POSIX, DBI, IO::Socket::SSL, Log::Log4perl, Net::SSLeay, Math::Random

3. Centralized Case Installation

3.1 Software Installation

Download the latest OnTimeMeasure release package at For example, you can run the following command in an empty folder:

tar xzf *.gz

Once you have downloaded the tar file, untar/unzip to see that it contains:

  • NodeBeacon.tar.gz
  • RootBeacon.tar.gz
  • README.txt

Next, login using SSH to each of the servers, run the following commands to install the measurement service. You will be prompted to set a supervisor account during the Graphite installation, and also will be prompted to set a password of an automatically created database user: collector.

Note: Note that the collector password will apply to both centralized and distributed measurement cases of OnTimeMeasure.

On the Root Beacon Server:

tar xzf RootBeacon.tar.gz
cd RootBeacon/InstallScript

Note1: If you are using Ubuntu 10 32 bit image, please run ontime_software_install_; If you are using Ubuntu 10 64 bit image, please run ontime_software_install_bit64.

Note2: You will be prompt to setup mysql root password if you are using Ubuntu

On a Node Beacon Server:

tar xzf NodeBeacon.tar.gz
cd NodeBeacon/InstallScript

Note: If you are using Ubuntu 10 32 bit image, please run ontime_software_install_; If you are using Ubuntu 10 64 bit image, please run ontime_software_install_bit64.

3.2 Software Configuration and Invocation

Through OnTime Beacon web-portal

Login to the OnTimeBeacon. Setup resources (provide RSpec information) and control Node/Root Beacons within slice in an interactive manner. Video demos of these steps can be viewed at

Through OnTime Control command-line tools

Follow the 'OntimeControl Manual' to control Node/Root Beacons within slice in an automated manner.

4. Distributed Case Installation

4.1 Software Installation

The Centralized Case Installation will install distributed version automatically. If you want to only install the distributed version, do the following steps:

Download the latest OnTimeMeasure release package at

Once you have downloaded the tar file, untar/unzip to see that it contains:

  • NodeBeacon.tar.gz
  • RootBeacon.tar.gz
  • README.txt

Only the NodeBeacon.tar.gz is needed. Run the following commands to install the measurement service:

tar xzf NodeBeacon.tar.gz
cd NodeBeacon/InstallScript

4.2 Software Configuration and Invocation

Through OnTime Beacon web-portal

Login to the OnTimeBeacon. Setup resources (provide RSpec information) and control Node/Root Beacons within slice in an interactive manner. Video demos of these steps can be viewed at

Through OnTime Control command-line tools

Follow the 'OntimeControl Manual' to control Node/Root Beacons within slice in an automated manner.

Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 02/13/12 16:12:15