Version 2 (modified by 12 years ago) (diff) | ,
OFTRAIN Project Status Report
Report for the period: 2-Apr-2012 - 23-July-2012
Steven Wallace, InCNTRE, Indiana University
I. Major accomplishments
Updated course materials for hands-on OpenFlow workshop (see attached file).
Conducted the following hands-on OpenFlow workshop:
14-May-2012 @ Indiana University (Indianapolis Campus), 13 students 17-May-2012 @ CIC conference center in Chicago, 21 students 27-June-2012 @ Indiana University (Summer of Networking Intern Program), 14 students 14-July-2012 @ Joint Techs Summer 2012, 20 students 15-July-2012 @ Joint Techs Summer 2012, 35 students
These workshop provided 103 attendees with hands-on experience building a real OpenFlow environment that included four Ethernet switches and multiple instances of OpenFlow controllers and Flowvisors.
A. Milestones achieved
Conducted OpenFlow workshops for 103 students based on much revised training materials and virtual training environment.
B. Deliverables made
New OpenFlow Workshop training materials attached.
II. Description of work performed during last quarter
Refinement of course materials, creating of a on-line environment where students can configure and test real switches that are remotely located.
- Activities and findings
Continuously incorporating feedback in to the course and its material. The OpenFlow standard has changed much since the being of this project and the course is evolving to present these changes.
B. Project participants
Matt Davy (PI), Steven Wallace (Senior Personnel), and John Meylor and Uwe Dahlmann (graduate students).
C. Publications (individual and organizational)
All course materials have been published on the InCNTRE web site.
D. Outreach activities
Active participation in the Internet2 SDN working group, including presentations and education materials. Conducted two hour open lecture on OpenFlow
E. Collaborations
- Other Contributions
Attachments (1)
Open-Flow-in-a-day-master v.2.pdf (2.6 MB) - added by 12 years ago.
Revised course materials for OpenFlow Workshop