
Version 1 (modified by Vic Thomas, 14 years ago) (diff)


LEFA Project Status Report Period: April 2010 – June 2010

I. Major accomplishments Developed an approach to interacting with portal-based access controls in GENI.

A. Milestones achieved

The federation knot paper continues to circulate. The distinctions and relationships between federated identity and federated control planes are being sharpened in the GENI community.

B. Deliverables made

Setting up demo for GEC8.

II. Description of work performed during last quarter

A. Activities and findings

  • Worked with ORCA and central IT staff at Duke to implement Shibboleth environment for ORCA staff to explore and learn from.
  • Worked with Planetlab deployer in Romania to incorporate Shibboleth IDP into Plantelab node.
  • Worked with BBN staff discussing Shibboleth, its model, and how it could be incorporated into GENI security architecture and add value.
  • Working with PMO and Duke to define and develop demo for GEC8.
  • Working with various people to begin implementing the set of services that will comprise the demo.
  • Participated and presented in the NSF FIRE workshop at Princeton in May.
  • Discussed the GENI opportunities and impacts with leading research universities CIOs in May.

B. Project participants

Ken Klingenstein (internet2), Principal Investigator: project direction, federation analysis, white paper development, participant in GENI CF discussions, liaison with Steve Sch of Cobham and service as project laison to the GPO

Steven Carmody (Brown University), Senior IT Architect at Brown University and Project Manager of Internet2's Shibboleth Project: focus on engagement with ORCA and Planetlab on technical issues

C. Publications (individual and organizational)

D. Outreach activities

E. Collaborations

ORCA control framework. A federated Planetlab in Romania.

F. Other Contributions