Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of HowToUseOmni

09/20/12 14:03:04 (12 years ago)



  • HowToUseOmni

    v21 v22  
    1717Two supporting examples are provided to illustrate the steps needed to run an experiment with GENI resources, each example has a unique scope:
    19   * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample GENI Experiment Example 1] covers how to configure and use Omni tools to reserve compute resources from multiple resource aggregates (PG & PL). This example has no specific network requirement, it simply focuses on getting host resources allocated for an experiment.
     19  * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2 GENI Experiment Example 1] covers how to configure and use Omni tools to reserve compute resources from multiple resource aggregates (PG & PL). This example has no specific network requirement, it simply focuses on getting host resources allocated for an experiment.
    2121 * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF GENI OpenFlow Experiment Example 2] covers how to use Omni tools to request !OpenFlow resources as part of an experiment that also uses PG & MyPLC compute resources. The scenario assumes that the experimenter is running an OF controller.
    4242== 4. Get Resources ==
    43 The Omni tool can help you reserve resources.  In the supporting [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample GENI Experiment Example 1] page, examples are provides that show how to:
    44   * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Listavailableresources List available resources] in the PG and PL aggregates.
    45   * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Createaslice Create a Slice] in the Clearinghouse
    46   * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#AddEmulabPGresourcestoGPOPGslice Add Emulab PG nodes] to GPO PG slice.
    47   * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#AddPlanetLabresourcestoGPOPGslice Add PL nodes] to GPO PG slice.
    48   * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Checkingsliverresourcestatus Check Resource Status].
     43The Omni tool can help you reserve resources.  In the supporting [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2 GENI Experiment Example 1] page, examples are provides that show how to:
     44  * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2#Listavailableresources List available resources] in the PG and PL aggregates.
     45  * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2#Createaslice Create a Slice] in the Clearinghouse
     46  * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2#AddEmulabPGresourcestoyourslice Add Emulab PG nodes] to GPO PG slice.
     47  * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2#AddPlanetLabresourcestoGPOPGslice Add PL nodes] to GPO PG slice.
     48  * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2#Checkingsliverresourcestatus Check Resource Status].
    5050Similarly, for an experiment using OpenFlow resources, see the [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF GENI OpenFlow Experiment Example 2] page, which also provides examples as in the above.
    5454Once your resources are ready, you may now run your experiment.
    56 Remember to monitor the expiration time for your slice for each of the resource aggregates with the Omni ''sliverstatus'' option and to extend expiration as needed with the ''renewsliver'' option.  An example for checking the ''sliverstatus'' and ''renewsliver'' can be found [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Checkingsliverresourcestatus here].
     56Remember to monitor the expiration time for your slice for each of the resource aggregates with the Omni ''sliverstatus'' option and to extend expiration as needed with the ''renewsliver'' option.  An example for checking the ''sliverstatus'' and ''renewsliver'' can be found [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2#Checkingsliverresourcestatus here].
    58 When your experiment is completed, you should [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Deletesliverresources delete slivers] to release your resources from each resource aggregate used.
     58When your experiment is completed, you should [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-gcf2#Deletesliverresources delete slivers] to release your resources from each resource aggregate used.