These steps should allow you to run the Hardware version of the Intro to OF tutorial [1] but with a multi-site topology. You need 3 slices (called MYSLICE, MYSLICE2 and MYSLICE3 below) and 3 RSpecs. If you run the controller outside of GENI on your own machine you only need two slices (MYSLICE2 and MYSLICE3 and 2 RSpecs.) Do the steps in the following order: (1) Reserve a VM and start your controller. I don't think it matters much which aggregate you pick for MYAGG. In fact, you don't need a GENI node at all as you could run the controller on your own machine. omni createsliver MYSLICE -a MYAGG --useSliceMembers (2) Edit the attached max-stanford-stitched-flack.rspec to point to the controller. The controller should be accessed via the public IP of the node from step (1). (3) Reserve a VM at Stanford connected to a VM at MAX via a stitched link. These nodes will be "host1" & "host2": stitcher createsliver MYSLICE2 max-stanford-stitched-flack.rspec --useSliceMembers (3) Use performOperationalAction (poa) to share the stitched VLAN at Stanford. (Detailed instructions are in [2].) a) Make a file called lan_options.json containing the following text: { "geni_sharelan_lanname": "lan0", "geni_sharelan_token": "ofstitchedlan" } (NOTE: "lan0" should be the name of the stitched VLAN from the previous step and "ofstitchedlan" should be the name you give the shared VLAN and is used by the RSpec in step (4)): b) omni -V 3 -a stanford-ig poa MYSLICE2 geni_sharelan --optionsfile lan_options.json (4) Reserve a third VM on the shared VLAN: omni createsliver MYSLICE3 host3-stanford.rspec -a stanford-ig --useSliceMembers You should have a controller running at an aggregate of your choice and controlling the hardware switch connecting the three VMs (two VMs at Stanford IG and one VM at MAX IG) which are all on the same shared VLAN. You should now be able to complete the exercise as described in [1].