= Open vSwitch (OVS) Switch = Running an OVS Switch on Ubuntuu 16 outlined here: 1. Request your topology via omni or GENI Portal. Current default image version is Ubuntu 16, which will change over time. 2. On the node you plan to use as a switch run the following: {{{ sudo apt-get install openvswitch-switch -y }}} 3. Once OVS is installed, a service script is created on your node: {{{/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/openvswitch-switch.service}}}. This allows you to stop and start the openvswitch server. Service is automatically started for you, to check it status: {{{ sudo systemctl status openvswitch-switch }}} 4. A script [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GENI-NSF/geni-support/master/Utilities/geniovs.sh geniovs.sh] is available to the dataplane interface to the OVS bridge: {{{ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GENI-NSF/geni-support/master/Utilities/geniovs.sh sh ./geniovs.sh }}} Your switch is now ready to use! -------- If you would like to skip the 4 steps above, and simple load a custom image that has the OVS service running with all dataplane interface on its bridge, then you can use the custom image below: {{{ }}} ---- If you have the openvswitch service running and would like to add !OpenFlow to the mix, simply execute the following: {{{ sudo ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode br0 secure sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp::6633 }}}