Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of HowTo/LoginToNodes

08/02/12 17:26:50 (12 years ago)



  • HowTo/LoginToNodes

    v21 v22  
    5151If you made your reservation with Omni then you will need to access the host where your Omni is installed to get a copy of your SSH Key. If you use the host that has Omni installed to ssh to your nodes then you skip to [ these instructions]. If you just want to get a copy of your private key and use it for logging into your nodes from another host, then you should :
    5252  1. Login to the host where you have Omni installed
    53   2. Open your omni configuration file. For most users this file is located at ~/.gcf/omni_config
    54   3.
     53  2. Open your omni configuration file. For most users this file is located at ~/.gcf/omni_config. Also when you reserve resources using createsliver, omni prints the used configuration file towards the top.
     54  3. In the omni_config file there should be a section about your user that has an attribute called `keys', that has a list of all the public keys that are installed in the nodes. Usually in the same directory as the public keys there are also the private keys (a private key usually has the same name as the public key but without the '.pub' extension.
     55  4. Copy the private key over to your host, either by using [ scp] or any other file transfer protocol. You can also just copy-paste the contents of the file.
    5657==== Other tools ====
     58Any tool that uses the GENI AM API to reserve resources, provides the public keys to the AM to be installed on the compute resources. If you can't figure out which keys the tool you used installed on the hosts, please send an email to [] telling us which tool you used and we will be happy to help.
    5860== Managing SSH keys on Linux, Mac hosts ==